нмя [ʞ]iттen

Last Login:
June 17th, 2023

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Gender: Female
Age: 35
Sign: Gemini
Country: Japan

Signup Date:
May 13, 2013


06/02/2013 08:41 PM 

The Meeting

As Ayami sat there in the bar, watching the others talk to one another about the usual things. Such as turf wars, or how someone had bad mouthed HOMRA. Though that was mostly what Misaki talked about. How he had kicked some person's ass for bad mouthing HOMRA.  Just thinking about that made a soft laugh escape the sky blue haired female's lips as she leaned back on the couch as she sat there watching them. Though when she had felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, she couldn't help but to pull it out and look to the text message that had been sent to her.

Her eyes narrowed slightly due to the one that had actually texted her. Saruhiko. She was exactly expecting him to text her back, nor reply to the voice mail that she had left him before the others came back from whatever they were doing. Blue oculars continued to stare at the text message that he had left her and she couldn't help but to stifle a chuckle as she glanced up from her phone over to Misaki.

Ayami knew damn well that if Misaki knew that she was going to go meet up with Saruhiko, well he'd throw a fit and more than likely go off to find him. "Hm.." looking back to the text message, she looked to the one part that held Misaki's name in it. 

From: (---)Saru.

I have no interest of returning to that dirty place, 'the bar.' 

Instead, you should meet up with me,in the center of town by the second large television.

And while you are at it, bring Misaki with you. 

We've much to discuss.

After re-reading the text message, she quickly tapped the screen before sending a reply back to him;

Heh.. That sounds like a good place to meet up.. I'll be there... and... I'll bring Misaki along with me. 

As soon as she sent the reply back to him, Ayami stood up from the couch. Stretching as she did before walking over to the bar as she looked to Izumo for a moment before looking to Misaki.

"Hey.... Yata.." keeping her eyes upon the chestnut colored haired male she quickly grabbed onto his arm and started leading him out of the bar. "We'll be back Izumo~! I just got a message that someone was bad mouthing us again~" she said as she glanced over to the bartender for a moment only to turn her gaze ahead of her. Ayami knew well enough that if she had simply used that excuse then Yata wouldn't question where she was dragging him off to.

Hell, she was sure that if she had simply said that she was going to go and kick someone's ass for bad mouthing HOMRA then the skater would more than likely follow after her without any questions. He did love kicking others asses when it came to HOMRA.

{Posting Order;
Saru } 


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