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09/26/2019 11:07 PM 

Project Eve

Name:Evangeline "Eve" Kyuubi 

 Alias: Prototype 00918
 Age: Unknown "Appears 18" 
Status: Single 
Orientation: Straight
 Info: Eve appeared one day out of nowhere wearing nothing at all and tackled the young Raziel who was barely understanding his Time powers at the time calling the 15 year old father something that shocked him then freaked him out since he had never even had a girlfriend or the time for one. He took her to his apartment (Not by choice) and got her some of clothe and asked her questions and thats when he noticed three important things number one the girl had no memory except that he some how was her father, She was speaking in Atlantean which meant she was not arround human much or at all and last that it all meant she was from some future where he was her father. He felt lost he could barely take care of himself to take care of her but the problem was soon fixed she dissapeared right in front of his eyes. Like him at a time in his life she was time traveling as her emotions went haywire it wasnt until a few years later that he once again came across her (she tackled him and called him father yet again) she was the same Eve with memories of that first encounter she told him her name and that she would say with him forever until her other self was finally born. But the truth of the matter was that Eve was not a normal Kyuubi for that matter she was not really Raziel's daughter, when Sakura met the child she noticed it fast but still had her doubts a quick D.N.A Scan Revealed that Her D.N,A was a perfect match to Raziels.. too perfect which meant only one thing she was a clone of Raziel what its called an imperfect clone because she was a girl. Sakura never informed Raziel of this since it gave him hope of one day having his own family and he seem Happy so she lied and said she was his daughter but that his mate was probably not born yet which was why she couldnt say who it was. Eve is very naive, like a small child she gets easily amused and easily bored but she is also quick to learn, she keeps away from most kyuubi members only going wherever Raziel goes it was this way she Met Zhane who became Uncle Zhane as far as she was concerned and later on Met Keisha whom she admires and although Keisha's way of talking tends to confuse and fluster her she loves Lust Fairy like if she was her Big sister...She does keep away from her when Thanatos is around she never liked him.

Eve has grown into her powers still not knowing the truth of what she is after having been captured and experimented on she had no choice but to let go of some of her childish ways as she had witnessed Raziel Violent powers and feared one day she do the same as him and not wanting to hurt anyone even if they deserve it as her father would say she opted to better herself.She soon was able to learn more about her time powers not only from observing and listening to Zhane on the matter but because her Mother Akemi Homura was adamant she learned specially once her brother was born something that confused her as she was expecting her younger self to be born.Homura then explained to her that Perhaps in this time line she was just going to be born because she was already there something that was both hard for her but also meant she would still be around to make memories with a brother she originally did not seem to know.
Although she does not feel a connection with Homura like she does with Raziel and her brother Orion she loves the woman very much so regardless of time lines or blood connections for her Homura is her mother simple as that


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