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05/02/2024 08:50 PM 

The Stellaron Hunters


Name: Kafka




Character Details: 

On the Interastral Peace Corporation's wanted list, Kafka's entry only has two things — her name, and a single sentence: "Likes collecting coats."

Little is known about this Stellaron Hunter, other than that she is one of Destiny's Slave Elio's most trusted members.

In order to achieve Elio's envisioned future, Kafka gets to work.


Character Stories I and II: 

Story I:

"Kafka, female human. Hails from New Babylon of Pteruges-V. Core member of the Stellaron Hunters, the next-in-command of 'Destiny's Slave.' Responsible for the following infractions: The Pier Point Incursion, two counts; The Pier Point Heist; The Trovys Disappearance; The Stellaron events of Jemorse, Bayjhana, Shilla-39C, Ulmora, 7-Midville, Loar-51, and Dro'a; Cyber attacks against Pier Point, four counts; Cyber attacks against Planet Screwllum; Cyber attacks against Herta Space Station; The Jepella Rebellion. Suspected to be related to the following infractions: The Stellaron events of Sich-Lala, Inupeis, Oun-G7, Zukov, Lidovia, Illily, Attouine, Buhayama.
Wanted Level: Highest. Dead or alive."
- Wanted Order by the Interastral Peace Corporation

Story II:

"...Due to the investigation's needs, the suspect's basic information is published as follows: Suspect Kafka (Wanted Serial No.: L933012000020002010004), female, outworld individual, age unknown; height about 170 centimeters, average body size. She had been spotted draped with a black jacket and wearing a white collared shirt inside, a pair of tight-fitting dark shorts, purple pantyhose, and a pair of sunglasses on her head.
The suspect has been reported to be connected to multiple non-natural disasters occurring on the Luofu in the recent past. She is currently at large, and is now publicly wanted on the Luofu. Any department and unit who detected said suspect are encouraged to contact the local Cloud Knights. At the same time, we encourage the suspect to turn herself in and to not take any chances."
— Luofu Wanted Order (revoked)

"You won't remember a thing except me."

Kafka's Theme


Name: Blade (Yingxing)




Character Details: 

A swordsman who abandoned his body to become a blade. Birth name unknown.
He pledges loyalty to "Destiny's Slave," and possesses a terrifying self-healing ability.
Blade wields an ancient sword riddled with cracks, just like his body and his mind.


Character Stories I and II: 

Story I:

The only thing he could sense was a splotch of crimson in his sight and the taste of iron in his mouth. His limbs were unresponsive.
— He must have died.

"Do you remember?"
He opened his mouth, lost, his voice as coarse as a savage beast's.
The sound from his throat stopped abruptly as the cold, hard object penetrated his torso.
Again and again, this repeated for thousands of times.

How marvelous. When his muscle fibers tore open, he could hear the tiny sounds of tendons bridging and reconnecting.
How marvelous. The monster in his body was being nourished, but he would let it grow into a massive beast.
How marvelous. He had already lost all will to life, but his body regenerated without any consideration for his preferences.
How marvelous.

Before the sword pierced his body once more, he grabbed it with his bare hands and slowly stood up.
"Do you remember now?"
He met the woman's blood-red eyes, his mind still empty.
— He was run through by the sword once again.
"Remember the feeling of death, and bring it to them."

Crimson resurfaced in his vision. He stared at the sword that killed him. The blade was broken in half and lying on the ground.
"Rise, and let me kill you once more."

Story II:

The only thing he could sense was a splotch of crimson in his sight and the taste of iron in his mouth. His limbs were unresponsive.
— He must have died.

The black-haired young man shivered violently all over, but still clutched onto the spear in his hands.
He had no dragon horns, and his reaction was slightly less mature than he remembered...
But he would never forget this spear, these eyes, and how cruelty burst out from beneath the mirror-like emerald calmness.
His wounds began to heal. His irises flickered and fixed their gaze at the boy once more.
Without hesitation, the boy made another flourish with the spear...

"That's it."
The one who showed no mercy to enemies - was you.
The one who single-handedly buried the beloved - was you.
The one who almost led the place called home to its destruction - was also you.

He fell down again.
The teen pressed his hand against his own wounds and retreated, until he was no longer in the man's sight.
"Before I witness your death in person, we will meet again, ███."

When will death come for me? My patience is wearing thin."

Blade's Theme


Name: Silver Wolf




Character Details: 

The universe is just another game to this super hacker.
No matter how thorny the defense system, Silver Wolf can crack it with ease. Her hacking battle with Screwllum of the Genius Society has become stuff of legends in the hacking world.
How many more levels are there to beat in the universe? Silver Wolf looks forward to finding out


Character Stories I and II: 

Story I:

She toyed with the joystick, day in, day out.
A fast food restaurant with only one employee, a basement turned into an arcade hall, several old arcade machines — this was her childhood.

She didn't have a legal name or an identity number, only a nickname the proprietress chose for her.
She did not have any friends, but she is not lonely.
She liked the game of Pong — two lines and a dot of light, the simplest of ball games. She could play it for a whole day.
She liked Battle Wheel 32 — eight blocks of different colors on a matrix-drawn sky. There was only one rule: Win, no matter what.
She liked Geometric Wars, Odysseus, and Star Cheetah. The score records on these games were filled with astronomical numbers left by other patrons.

She toyed with the joystick, day in, day out.
Until one day, only one name remained on all of the score records.

She set down the joystick and looked around the empty basement.
Many people have sought respite in this place, but few stayed behind.
Many have left, but few returned.
She blinked and turned off the screen.

That night, the only employee of the fast food restaurant said goodbye to proprietress, and became the next person to leave.
The game called Basement ended that night.

Story II:

She traveled west through the barren land, arriving at Mount Scrap.
She wants to find a job, but was obstructed by her tendency to be a loner.
On Punklorde, almost everyone works in teams. Loners usually don't last long.

Acquiescing to her situation, she fabricated some virtual partners.
Her first one was called Friend. Of course it was.
Her second was Demon Lord, inspired by a poster she saw on the streets. In her imagination, it was a veteran who had lost the ability to speak.
She suddenly thought this team was too harmonious and lacked realism, so she named the third one Whitecollar and the fourth Servant.
Her final one was called Preschool Classmate — there wasn't a special meaning attached to this. She just really ran out of ideas. After much deliberation, she deleted this last person from her list.
She stored her "partners" in an intelligent weapon, so she could pompously introduce her sizable team to intermediaries.

She got her first job — its risk was as unimaginable as its reward.
Maybe she sold herself too well that people believed her, or they just wanted to see this newbie's performance, dead or alive.

On Punklorde, almost everyone works in teams. Loners usually don't last long.
Those who could last would eventually become legends.

After 24 system hours, she walked out of the Slag Gang's base — alone and through the front gate.
The intermediary was silent. They looked at her, then at the sky, before turning around to toss a chest full of gold ingots on the ground.
The game called Mount Scrap ended that day.

"Can you let me have some fun this time?"


Name: Sam (Firefly)




Character Details: 

Sam is a remnant of Glamoth's Iron Cavalry — a genetically engineered warrior that possesses superhuman perception. Some time ago, Elio ordered them and Kafka to find Blade and return with him. Sam was the one who held Blade down while Kafka convinced him to join them. They also went with Blade and Kafka to recruit Silver Wolf.

According to Silver Wolf, if a person comes home and turns on the lights, while Kafka and Blade would be sitting on the couch waiting for them, Sam wouldn't even give them the chance to turn on the lights.

They later make a return on the Planet of Festivities, challenging a "Galaxy Ranger", a Memokeeper, and the Trailblazer to a fiery fight.

Later on in the story, it is revealed that Sam's true identity is Firefly.


Character Stories I and II: Currently none

"Fireflies are such magical creatures, aren't they? They may throw themselves at a flame or suddenly grow old, but every night before that, they will shine brighter than the stars."

Sam's Theme



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