❤️𝐃ying 𝐃evotion💔 on AniRoleplay.com - www.aniroleplay.com/606003 ❤️𝐃ying 𝐃evotion💔
He's here to heal, protect, and support you! ♥
Or at least, he's trying his best to do so...

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29 years old

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June 06 2024

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Dubious Doodle  (1  photos)
A dubious doodle of what he thinks he usually looks like? Or perhaps someone drew how they perceive him? Whatever it is, it's totally not a simple doodle that took more time and effort than hoped for due to a lack of any actual art skills.
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     ❤️𝐃ying 𝐃evotion💔's Details
Characters: Incarnation of Indignation, The Embodiment of Envy, Jealousy Justified & Personified, Kijicho!
Verses: The outlandish orb goes wherever his otherworldly abilities can take him. (OC, Canon, BL, Open)
Playbys: Various monsters and creatures, even if only applying or translating certain features to his own.
Length: Multi Para, One Liner, Para, Semi
Genre: Any, Comedy, Crossover, Open, Romance, Slice of Life,
Member Since:March 24, 2024

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   ❤️𝐃ying 𝐃evotion💔's Blurbs
About me:

He belongs...
neither here...
nor there...

Curious about the world and what it had to offer since his youth, he aimlessly wanders from place to place, hoping he may find a place where his dream might be fulfilled, all while helping those in need along the way.
He usually stays around for as long as he is needed, and leaves when he is no longer needed nor wanted...
For how many places there are out there, he's found it surprisingly difficult to search for a proper place he can finally and truly call 'home'.
Of course, the 'home' he's searching for isn't just a mere place to occupy space and sleep day after day.
After all, if that were the case, he wouldn't be capable of sleeping practically anywhere, no matter how unconventional the spot may seem.
Should one encounter him after finally reaching a particular breaking point, it should be surprising to none that he's lost all hope on his search.
Much like how others have forgotten and done so with him, his old dream has been replaced with a new one.
One that still isn't very likely to happen the way he'd like, but he considers it to be far more realizable than the previous one.
What constitutes as being "needed" or "wanted" is also now determined by how... 'threatened' he feels his position or role is.
Meet him a further bit more down the line the river of time... and one might find he's stopped dreaming altogether— mostly.
Trying to acclimate and settle into places he does not 'belong' nor 'fit' in results in... 'unpleasant outcomes' for most, if not all involved...

All I want is a while to sit with you...
for what is there to do
if not to spend my time with you?

The only qualm I know quite well
is worry of the wind.
If you are the petal, I am the stalk;
once you fly, it is goodbye.



Past/AU Stuff: Younger-than-18
Default: 18 - 28+



*Please, know what a 'faceclaim' is.

Piranha Plants (serves as a basis for his main head shape and for when his lips are more spread/stretched out, although the lips aren't as large— but they could be, if desired. Yeah, the current profile pic? Those lips are not what his own pair usually look like. Read further down and you'll find out what his lip size and shape actually looks like, or maybe just click on the picture and see the 'Dubious Doodle' album for a somewhat better idea?)

The Demogorgon (serves as a basis for ‘fanged flora’ head/mouth shape, except - certain situations aside - Kijicho's is more colorful and fleshy-looking than toothy and serrated. Basically, if and when his face splits open.)

Weepinbell (really, just the lips and a shape that vaguely resembles the body but rounder/softer-looking; no big googly eyes, leaves, lumpy branch sprouting out the back, spots, nor color scheme.)

Bellsprout (just the head, no beady eyes or color scheme.)

Biollante (head minus the eyes)

Gigginox (head)

Zenith Khezu (head)

Various creatures, monsters, and other beings for pranking, intimidation, or combat purposes, regardless of whether it's for one specific feature or several.

Note: Explanations for things marked by asterisks (*) can be found all the way at the bottom of the profile.
Failure to read it can and will lead to repeated denials or perhaps even full-on blocks.

Homoromantic Homosexual
The orb's usual type seems to be twinks, twunks, bishonen, ikemen, and guys adjacent to those types.
Seems to be pretty picky on 'femininity'*.
Facial hair doesn't really** do it for him.
Though not exclusively so***, seems to be highly anthropophilic (which means he likes HUMANS) based on those who typically catch his interest.

Incarnation of Indignation
The Embodiment of Envy
Jealousy Justified & Personified
Those who have witnessed his morphing capabilities beforehand may describe him as an “Eldritch abomination taken floral form.”
Others who've seen him latch and cling onto others or have experienced it themselves might think of him akin to a "reverse parasite" of sorts since him doing so is done mostly for their safety and benefit.
He himself is utterly clueless as to what he is.
Is he just a frivolous fellow trying to eke out his existence or is he something significantly sinister, unwittingly seeking to consume all of existence in his search for a timely semi-selfless self-sacrifice?
Surely, it must be the former!

Languages Spoken and Understood:
He can speak, but due to previous negative reception and remarks toward his voice, he’s very insecure over it and prefers to remain quiet most of the time.
It’s not out of the ordinary for him to opt for responding through brief vocalizations and/or physical gestures instead.
Somehow seems to be capable of learning multiple languages he’s never heard nor spoken at an alarmingly fast rate or may at least appear to understand most languages, almost as if he’d always known them.
Not all of them, though.

Supposedly unpleasant or unattractive; has been mocked over it or told to be quiet for merely speaking and has also been referred to as "the one with the bad voice," in front of him by rude people those unfamiliar with him in group gatherings.
Almost anything except feminine-sounding (the type that would actually make you think he might be a cis girl/woman); very obviously masc-sounding that one could easily and correctly assume that he's a dude, no matter how high or deep it might sound.

Body Type:
Usually chooses to remain as a head these days.
Can often be seen rolling and hopping around in his aforementioned orb-ish form, or waddling, scuttling, shambling, floating, and flying around with leaves, vine-or-stem-like appendages, or even petals, among other manners of non-plant-based appendages.
Will only bring his body out when deemed necessary, such as when tanking for and protecting others.

By default, his head is blue (periwinkle or cornflower) with two notable lighter-colored spots that could be interpreted as 'eyes' while his lips are also white, and his body (when actually out for whatever reason) is jade green.
However, much like how he is able to shift his form, he is also actually capable of changing his colors and texture, too.

With body: Short/Headpatting height (Younger-than-18 age range), 6 ft/183 cm (18 - 26+ age range); ultimately varies thanks to his ability to adjust body height and proportions.
Without body: 1 ft 4 in/41cm by default but can adjust the size of his head at will.

From marketable plushy to a lot.

Tank, Healer, and Support, usually.

Occasional Emotional Support Companion
Part-Time Bed, Seat, and Footrest
Makeshift Mount
Living Stress Ball
Reverse-Parasitic Biological Armor
Personal Bodyguard
Personal Punching Bag
Potential Pocket Healer

Kind, playful, and curious since his youth, he’s bound to wander off and find some sort of trouble, or perhaps... find a friend instead!
Despite his willingness to help out others, he is liable to bouts of laziness and loafing around.
Enjoys napping, especially with others, and is capable of sleeping almost anywhere, no matter how impractical a spot may seem.
LOVES food, to the point of coming off as a bad-mannered glutton but is more than willing to share food with others; can and WILL eat things "with the shell” on.
Being a playful fellow, Kijicho also enjoys partaking in plenty of pranks, whether he’s on the giving or receiving end.
In a group, he’s the one who’ll stay in the back or the front, whichever is likely to be the more dangerous position if it means keeping others safe.
Though it may depend on the person, seems to really enjoy and craves physical contact, but will often be too bashful or shy about trying to ask for or initiate it.
He'll very likely become flustered when teased over it or if he’s caught staring and approached over it.
Kijicho's self-esteem and self-worth issues that develop later on in his life may contribute to even more of his hesitance over it; said issues also influence the recklessness over his own safety with the view of the lives of others possessing actual value and worth over his own.
Despite being capable of easily ending a life or an entire reality - or at least, he should be able to; whether he's actually aware of this and possesses the knowledge to pull it off or not is an entirely different matter - he seems to be pretty teasable and bullyable.

Not only can he pop in and out from one reality to another at will, but he made a deal with some charming yet sketchy people at a young age that permits others to summon him through fliers scattered out throughout the multiverse.
Said fliers feature art portraying his likeness that advertise him as a helper who'll do most things for others without reward.

Possible Places of Origin

Drifter’s Dream:
Where he grew up.
With the amount of land to explore here, it’s every wanderer’s wish!
...Or at least, if it weren’t for the arid atmosphere and sand everywhere, it would be!
Aside from the occasional hut or small villages here and there, remnants of past civilizations can be found both above and below the sand - some of which suggests it wasn’t always sandy and sweltering.
One of the few places seemingly unaffected by 'the Bale'.

Somnolent Sea (Rumored):
It’s said something - or things - dwell deep down below somewhere, responsible for the state of a place where the sky above is watery and wavy while the water below looks cloudy and airy but oddly comforting, like a liquidated dream.
It’s also said the unfulfilled dreams of the drowned occasionally float up to the surface and play out in the reflection of the sea...

Wanderer’s Way Wake (Rumored):
What was once the centerpiece crossroad where tourists, novice explorers, and adventuring beginners alike could safely restock on supplies and rest from their journeys... is now a deadly, monster-filled wasteland that not even the most hardened of wayfarers and warriors would dare tread through lest they meet a gruesome end.
This is the fabled site of where 'the Bale' began.

Wishful Wistful Willows (Rumored):
It’s said something - or things - dwell deep down below somewhere, responsible for the state of a place where the sky above is watery and wavy while the water below looks cloudy and airy but oddly comforting, like a liquidated dream.
It’s also said the unfulfilled dreams of the drowned occasionally float up to the surface and play out in the reflection of the sea...

Walled-In Wantonflowers (Rumored):
The flowers there weren’t always bad nor walled off from the rest of the world...
Before the Bale, it was just a pretty meadow people would pass by and sightsee.
However, sometime afterward, patches of flowers began to spread and grow... rapidly.
Nobody thought anything of it at first, nor did they do anything about it until the flowers reached and “claimed” a village.
With his body's naturally floral-inspired visage and features, not to mention it uncannily bearing a strong resemblance to these flowers, people suspect he may have some sort of connection to them, to the point where some think of him as some ill omen of sorts.
Because of this, it is not uncommon for him to be shunned or confronted in certain places.


Battered Blue Vest (pre-'Are All Heroes Hypocrites?'):
Just a ragged old vest he found back home.
Nothing too special.

Blue Birthday Shorts Blue Birthday Shorts (pre-'AAHH'):
His ”seed coat,” supposedly.
It came with and stayed attached to his body as he grew and grew.
As a result, he usually feels insecure when it’s removed despite having nothing to hide.
Seems to always fit to whatever size he shrinks and grows to.

Trusty Traveler’s Rucksack (pre-'AAHH'):
Every traveler’s gotta have something to carry all their resources and other belongings, right?

Adventurer’s Archaic Map (pre-'AAHH'):
A dusty ol' map he found and was permitted to take on his journey. One can tell how dated it is by the mere existence of several locations that no longer do or have changed names since its initial charting, not to mention the contradictory imagery mapped on it. He likes to try and update it as he travels and learns about the world while wandering.

Expired Dairy Product of an Expired Celestial:
How's this still here!?
He could've sworn he tossed this out ages ago!
He tends to hear faint chanting that keeps urging him to drink it any time he looks at it.
Uuugh, gross and creepy!

Note: Obviously, he's capable of more than just the ones listed here.

███'s Nutritus Nectar:
Something sanative, sensual, soothing, and sweet...
Gold and glowy.
Possesses incredibly potent healing capabilities.
Much like said potent properties, the effects of his nectar as a painkiller are extraordinary, surprisingly able to override any pain one might imagine upon contact with the wound.
Also capable of removing any bodily aching or feelings of soreness on top of mending wounds.
In fact, the recipient may instead feel a tingling and/or even a pleasant sensation while under its effects.
His sap doesn't actually need to be applied directly to injuries or wounds and can instead be used as an ingredient in dishes, refreshments, or ingested directly through whatever vial it may have been contained in, like a potion.
However, his own healing has no effect on himself, and his healing has a certain threshold before it begins drawing from his own energy to forcibly produce more.
He will become too tired once enough energy has been depleted.
Time must pass for him to replenish the expended amount of energy, though consuming a lot of food can help in expediting the replenishing process.
While in battle, he may attempt to shield the wounded with his own body while attempting to heal them.
Oddly enough, and as remorseful as it might make him feel, there may be some injuries and illnesses that even he cannot undo.
In such cases, it may only alleviate the effects temporarily, at best.
He is sorry...

Paradoxum Padding:
Most attacks, weapons, and projectiles may bounce off, slide off, sink into, or stick to him, allowing him to act as a living shield or even a training dummy for others.
Because of this, it's incredibly difficult to actually defeat him in battle using traditional methods.
In fact, the first step to easily defeating him, or at least keeping him occupied from protecting others or assisting his allies is by having him go up against someone he'd find attractive.
The second step is dependent on what number of alternative methods said attractive opponent is willing to proceed carrying out on him.
Aside from those aforementioned alternative methods, occasionally there are times where attacks seem to actually affect him despite prior, more powerful or lethal attempts to harm him end up failing.
What causes such a phenomenon is a mystery to him as well.

Eldritch Entity's Enamor:
Though timorous over his own voice, he is not against using it at the benefit of others, even if done quietly.
The monster's indistinct murmuring may visibly manifest in the form of ominous symbols in an unknown language that'll appear and float around the target.
During the chanting, the target may hear supportive and complimentary whispers and be able to read the indecipherable symbols in their mind's eye.
However, if it's something he's too embarrassed to say or let the recipient know, it will likely sound incoherent and the meaning of said symbols will remain a mystery to them.
Similarly, unless embarrassed, stronger bonds will likely have heart shapes accompanying the symbols or randomly appear around the target.
It's more effective when performed on those he has a bond with. The stronger the bond, the stronger the effects.
Effects include enhanced strength, speed, spell or ability power, and perhaps a few other things. Another reason for opponents to keep his mouth occupied.
However, should the target be someone who's damaged or broken bond with him, the beneficial effects are reduced and have the potential to become nonexistent or even detrimental instead...

Semi-Symbiotic Safeguard:
Attaching himself to another, Kijicho can act as living armor for someone.
The host is overhealed and receives improved regenerative effects.
All damage intended for the host will be redirected to and absorbed by him.
Should certain attacks or other life-threatening situations somehow bypass him, he will constantly apply his healing nectar to the host as a safeguard.
Even if his paradoxum padding fails him, he will be the only one that'll receive the full brunt of blows, though it also leaves him at a risk of falling off.
Exhausting his healing resources may also increase the risk of him tiring and falling off.

Vault of the Void:
Kiji is capable of storing various objects inside himself through his mouth.
Where it really goes, no one knows, but as gross as it may seem, things will curiously remain the way they were before entering upon being withdrawn, which means no worries of things being drenched in drool— unless requested or required.
Of course, he's a bit self-conscious over it, so he'll usually prefer for people to look away or he'll remove himself momentarily.
However, whether hands (or whatever other body parts) of others will experience the moist sensation of his insides and become coated in saliva or not when reaching inside normally depends on intent.
Using an excuse to fish for and pull something out just to feel and play with his mouth is an example of when a hand and the arm its attached to would definitely get wet.
If he notices, he might catch on and... probably just stay silent and blush.
No confrontation.

Destiny's Dissonance:
As a feared foe of ████, Kijicho possesses a peculiar, innate ability to alter the outcome of another... or more.
For instance, those who were fated to come out on top of an altercation may instead find themselves on equal footing, perhaps even at a disadvantage because of said evened odds.
Though the act isn't visible to most, the surreal sensation may be described as having something 'pierced', 'snatched' or even 'crunched' out of them.

Rapacious Resent:
The nigh unrelenting feeling of immense discomfort that often claws and gnashes away at him from the inside.
Piling on and on over all the things - both big and small - that trigger it.
Yet he must always keep it contained and find some way bear it, as if such a thing never plagued him, because it's expected of him to.
Lest he be belittled and branded as some sort of unacceptable abomination to that reality...
Always fearing that he'll be treated like a literal, living toxicant should more than the slightest drop slip out...
And yet, he always wonders: why are others permitted to have and express such feelings so freely?
Why are they granted the gift of validation and affirmation from others, especially from those that would have normally spurned such thoughts and emotions...?
It's maddening— in both senses of the word.
And in that madness, there is power and strength to be found...
Nonetheless, his internal and (seemingly) eternal plight may yet prove of some use to himself and his allies.
...Should he still have any left.

Are All Heroes Hypocrites...?

Cheated on and lied to.
Again and again.

Quick to be forgotten for others.
Quick to be replaced by others.

A sense of self and self-worth finally lost.
His old body and belongings: tossed.

What he learned from it all:
The aspiring hero was the real monster...
and he will never be enough...

Other Stuff

Lips are supple and full, normally resembling a pale heart shape but can stretch and spread out, giving off a thicker and overall larger appearance.
Beneath said lips is a full set of retractable teeth capable of crunching through bone and making at least a dent through even the sturdiest of materials.
While like this, he can unhinge and open his jaw to a frightening width.
Even if briefly, some might swear they’ve seen a large eye filling up the whole thing at least once, too!
His entire head can also split open from the center of his lips, giving off a more horrifyingly fleshy floral appearance, which he uses for both intimidation and pranks.
A single or multiple pinkish appendages may be seen protruding out the center of the maw, somewhat resembling stamen and a pistil, mimicking the anatomical design of a flower further.

Thanks to possessing retractable teeth, may gum others to express affection, irritation, or - if he remembers - will use it as an option for sparring.

His tongue can stretch out a great length and is prehensile.
It's not uncommon for him to use it as an extra appendage to grab or hold stuff— especially if food is involved!

Kijicho is like a living stress ball, he's as soft and smooth as he looks.
His head is very stretchable and squeezable, and therapeutically so with how soft it feels, almost as if he has no skull!
It’ll naturally snap back or puff out to its original shape upon or shortly after being released.
Though he doesn’t seem to feel any pain from it and seems to actually enjoy it, if he feels mischievous enough, he may try to play a prank and pretend it hurts to surprise others.
Some people may find themselves unable to stop touching his head with how pleasant it feels.

Makes a good pillow to hug, bury your face, and cry into.

Though he may not be able to help or give out any advice, he makes a great listener!

Can control both the internal and external temperature of his body, and separately.
If you feel too cold or too hot, no worries, you can snuggle and cuddle up to him!

Always gives off a pleasant fragrance.
Usually simulates the aroma of other things, such as plants, fruits, and other pleasant things at random, but can also control the type of scent he gives off.
Will happily take requests!

While his body is out, he can form and use fleshier, plumper-looking arms that match his body in color.
His hands will usually have three fingers and a thumb each.

There are two lighter-colored spots located on his head that could be considered pseudo-eyes.
If one pays enough attention, they might see said spots will also occasionally ‘blink’ and move, as if to suggest that’s where his vision truly lies, or at least aid in allowing him to express himself more.

Strangely, doesn’t always leave a hole on the ground upon 'uprooting' or emerging from the ground, and can seemingly burrow into any surface.
Almost as if he just transports any burrowed part of himself to another dimension or something.

Just because he may not feel pain from being hit doesn't mean his feelings won't get hurt.
Depends on who, how, and why.
Being slapped, punched, or palmed in the face by someone he finds attractive is probably going to give him a dopamine rush.
Someone whom he generally has soft and warm interactions with and is supposed to be his friend is trying to hurt, kill, or betray him out of the blue?
Yeah, that'll inflict some emotional damage.
As a result, may be incredibly vulnerable to 'dark' or 'evil' versions of friends, whether they're the same person but brainwashed or something, a clone, alternate version from another reality, or otherwise.

Depending on the person, he has a natural inclination to place his head in offered hands, or gently press his head against opened palms held out to him.
Let it be known that he tries his best to behave and not give in to said embarrassing urges, but...
Being touch-starved sucks.

As a result, one of the simplest ways to 'defeat' him is to simply grab him and hold his face/head, maybe even squish or stretch it.
...If he finds you attractive enough and wants to experience your hands touching his face, that is.
Otherwise, don't be surprised if he avoids your grasp or immediately frees himself in an incredibly swift fashion.

That said, his own actions may be dictated by which reaction of another's he thinks might lead to more physical contact, regardless of whether said contact is soft and done out of affection or praise, or rough and done out of anger or irritation.

Most people should be able to form a heart shape around his heart-shaped lips with their hands, resulting in him easily being flustered while also proving that the default size of those impeccably soft smoochers aren't as big as people might think.

Though he should probably take some sort of offense, especially since most others of his own kind would probably(???) find it degrading, he has no issues being referred to as nor treated as a pet.
As a result, any condescending physical affection or contact, plus the words that accompany said actions, will likely all go over his head or be completely disregarded over the feelings of contentment he's experiencing from being touched.

In his small orb form (which he'll quite often be in), he's often liable to be accidentally stepped on, tripped over, or kicked.

Liable to becoming incredibly nervous and tense when placed in a room or party full of people he finds attractive.
Might attempt to shut off his vision and rely on his other senses while in the presence of such people.

Kijicho might sympathetically touch, nuzzle, and/or caress where the scars on someone's body are while expressing how he wished he could've been there to heal or straight up prevent the injury (or injuries) from ever happening.
Depends on his relationship with the person, and where said markings are located at.

Sometimes he’ll stare at flowers and wish he could be as pretty as them, but then he remembers that even if he were, it still wouldn’t make much of difference for what he’d want such visual appeal for...
He's already experienced what it was like to supposedly be 'attractive' once, but that didn't prevent everything that led to the heartbreak and more from happening...

Has a tendency to cope with his own misfortunes and trauma by convincing and reminding himself that something like him probably wasn’t meant or deserving enough to experience or possess good things.

Can smell despite lacking a visible nose or nostrils. Has considered forming some sort of nose or nostrils on his face, but he's not certain what kind would look fitting enough.
Preferably one that won't make him look cursed.
May or may not be capable of smelling with his mouth, too.

Growing up, one of his favorite stories was about a monster and an attractive, human-looking prince that fell in love with one another.
This book was the one that instilled that first, hopelessly romantic dream of his.
He'd always hoped he'd find more stories like it that had monsters or other sentient, sapient creatures like him getting the dreamy human knight or hero during his travels...
But all the ones he came across were rather dark and grim.
Sometimes the monster is slain, sometimes the human is slain.
Sometimes... both perish, among other unpleasant outcomes for either...

The 'prince', 'knight', or 'hero' he yearns for merely symbolize people he'd consider as such.
After all, it wouldn't be unlike him to see someone others would consider 'simple nobodies' as what he'd consider a 'prince'.
...As sappy and trite as that may be.
But he's a pretty sappy guy anyway!

Seems capable of simulating bones in feel and... sound when required or desired, specifically when it comes to the neck or skull to satisfy or aid in venting particular urges of the more... sadistic type.

Those who wear glasses or other similar eyewear may find theirs suddenly and mysteriously breaking around him, whether it's through some unfortunate mishap or otherwise.
Especially if they're the type who don't actually need them.
Some types of eyewear, like shades have a higher chance of surviving.
Otherwise, there are very, very, very few who'll manage to get away with wearing their glasses intact.

As a goofball himself, is plenty capable of being an idiot-enabler.
As long as whatever escapades don't result in anyone involved getting hurt or anything else terribly serious.

Generally prefers for issues to be resolved through words or other more peaceful method, but if those aren't an option or if such a route fails...
He's not afraid to use alternative and more violent methods, if necessary.


Traveling Healing Station
Exhausted? Wounded?
Inflicted with some toxins by the area's local fauna and flora or burdened by some other undesirable ailments?
Worry no longer!
This squishy, friendly little guy seems to have established a stall for your convenience!
...The cost? No cost!
If it really comes down to it, though, he welcomes the gracious donations of food and - depending on who's offering it - head pats!
Admittedly, though he's got plenty of healing resources stockpiled up for others to take with them, there does seem to be a finite amount prepared in advance, so...
Please be mindful of how much you take and use!

Friendly Flier
You've found a peculiar flier depicting an odd, nonthreatening smiling creature that advertises aid for nearly anything at NO COST.
The specifics on where to find him or any other contact information is vague or oddly blurred out, almost as if your vision fails to focus on just those specific spots on the paper.
Still, should you actually require assistance, don't be surprised if you get a surprise visit within the next moment or later.
Of course, there are times where the possibility of an accidental summoning can occasionally occur.
Do know that just because he's willing to try helping you with almost anything doesn't mean he's always going to adept at whatever it might be.

Mistaken Monster
Variant A:
Whether he resembles a monster you're familiar with or not, all your attempts to defeat or fell this creature are met with failure after failure.
Despite your intent, said monster will oddly seem to only evade or face tank every attack without bothering to retaliate.
What really is this creature?
Why won't they fight back?
Do you actually care or will you just keep relentlessly attacking this seemingly harmless thing in an attempt to acquire some loot and resources?

Variant B:
Even if his timely appearance and intervention came to the benefit of innocents he just saved, overexaggerated stories of the existence of some horrifying and incredibly dangerous creature might've been spun due to the aforementioned arrival and likely well-intended actions that ensued afterward.
People continuing to paint him in a bad light by placing the blame on him for any misdeeds and misfortunes unrelated to him certainly doesn't help his case.
Still, will you take the bounty or attempt to discover the truth behind this old or new myth...?

Not Your Average Ball
Though he may not perfectly resemble the appropriate type of ball in color, size, weight, or texture, his spherical shape may still incite others to treat him as if he were.
For sports canons or other characters who possess an athletic background that may or may not include kicking, dribbling, smacking, spiking, tossing, and dunking spherical objects.

Something's Off
Note: Though not exclusively so, mainly used for particular canons.

Perhaps he's been there for you during an integral point of your life, or you met one another during a journey of some sort, maybe to the point where he's even cemented himself amongst your group of faithful friends— or perhaps... may oddly be the only one you seem to have.
And yet... at some point of your lives, one or both of you can't shake the discomforting feeling that something's not quite right.
That things were never supposed to be this way.
Truth is, whether you were supposed to be dead, experience a traumatic event, lack the support that prevented you from taking a dark path, or otherwise... he was never meant to be there in the first place.
What will either or both of you do?
Might there be a way to correct this anomaly, and if so, will such a path be taken?
After all, his very existence might have taken one or more several beloved companions from you, and even if no one of importance was lost, reality-rending issues may begin to pop up at some point.
...Or maybe not.
No matter what decision you choose, he will support you.
He, on the other hand, might be struggling with the inner turmoil of giving in to his own selfish desire or returning things to how they were and probably should be, should the decision be up to him...

Boys Being Boys
A scenario that sets up the 'Childhood Friends' trope.
Very likely to be AU given the settings this would be used in.


- You add, you approach first.
If I add first (which will be EXTREMELY rare, by the way), I'll do the same-
Unless you beat me to the punch.

- Open to OCs and Canons.
While I may not be familiar with every franchise out there nor entirely well-versed on ones I've seen, been made aware of, or personally know of...
There's plenty of characters from plenty of canons I'd love to interact with.

- No one's perfect, but do your best with spelling and grammar.
I certainly have a preference for literate partners.

- I am not restricted to a single, static post length.
At one point or another, I've done them all in the past (yes, even novella back when writing that much was a breeze, but don't expect that from me now. that's more of a 'when-the-stars-align' sort of deal.).
Post length is dependent on mood, motivation, and multiple other variables.
As such, I do not require post length to be matched but will require something to work with.

- I might be a bit rusty, so as a result, I sort of prefer to start off small-ish and work my way up not-so-small post lengths.
Though, there is a chance I might just 'erupt' in post length if I'm really feeling things, or 'shotgun' you with a wall of text if I'm feeling anxious and pressured to make a 'good' first impression with writing.
My apologies in advance if this overwhelms you or something.

- I prefer third-person post perspective, don't be fooled by the second person usage in the anywhere else that isn't explicitly OOC-dedicated.
That's more of a simple attempt at inciting something from your muse/character, should such a scenario resonate with them on top of catching your interest.
While on that note, even though I'm not too strict on it for shorter and simpler interactions or beginnings, I have a tendency to inevitably slip into past tense for roleplays at some point or another out of habit since it's what I'm used to and generally prefer.

- Patience is relative to what you give me.
I'm fairly patient and won't rip your throat out with my teeth just because you didn't reply to me within 15 minutes (unlike some people I've encountered here and there).
Can't handle 10 days of radio silence despite the fact you made me wait months or even years for some sign of interest in continuing or interacting at all?
We will not get along.
Move along.

- Can't own up to your own past wrongdoings and apologize for them?
We will not get along.
Move along.

- OOC or IC Approaches are welcomed, just depends on your preference (and my mood).
Admittedly, some discussion to avoid unwanted stepping of some toes would be preferred, buuut...
If you're one of those "IC only" people or 'go-with-the-flow' people who like to start things from nothing, go on ahead!
...Make sure it's obvious it's IC, though!
Some of you don't always exactly make it clear.

- Comments or messages permitted.
If you plan on including mature themes (BE 18+/21+, PLEASE) or mature-adjacent interactions, don't be a dingus and let the public see it in comments, Jesus.
Aside from basic privacy, there's a reason why some people keep their comments unapproved.

- Viewing doesn't convey anything to me, if you're actually interested, then add.
I've had instances of people viewing me multiple times in the past despite not actually having any interest (they either declined my request or... were clearly not actually too thrilled to interact before suddenly deleting me at some point).
Even had an instance of someone openly talk shit about me in one of their statuses not realizing I was still capable of going back to see it after they finally accepted me (of course, I blocked their ass).
Anyway, if anything, you might just get a 'view' back!
If it shows I viewed first, that was because I left the setting on by accident + a possible misclick.
Whoops, sorry, my bad!

- Fighting/sparring is fine if discussed and used to progress the story, scenario, or some other reason that falls under my interest.
I don't mind if my boy loses or gets his ass beat, but I need to get something out of it in return.
Otherwise, I'm probably not going to be interested in engaging or humoring you further.
I don't care for pointless powerwanking.

- Multiship, if things ever get there, I guess.
Unless otherwise agreed upon BY EVERYONE INVOLVED, every ship will be in its own little universe.
Monogamous relationship or not, consent and boundaries are important.

- Mature themes are optional, just make sure you express that you're fine with or interested in that clear enough.
Also, be of age (18+/21+), please.

- Try to keep things on-site here, yeah?
That means no trying to move things to Discord right off the bat, I've already had enough bloat with RP people who do this and then become yet another person I never talk to nor hear from again on my list of fuckin' "friends".
I have the right to reserve off-site stuff for those I deem worthy enough.

- No, this isn't everything about the character.
There's plenty more that's either been intentionally omitted or are planned on being added at some point.
Depending on how things go here...
Not gonna lie, pretty rough start so far.
Well, in comparison to other starts I've had, at least.

Orientation Explanations

*Pretty boys and gorgeous men are nice.
However, he can be incredibly picky when it comes to 'femininity'.
What people see from the lack of ruggedness in twinks and think "femboy" (even on some twunks too somehow), he perceives something else.
While he greatly appreciates smooth and 'delicate' features, he still enjoys and prefers a degree of 'mascness' that he still sees in such guys.
Some may refer to it as 'boyishness'.
Though there may be the occasional exception, the way a character presents themselves can greatly affect attraction and overall interest.
Sooo, fem-presenting guys... yeah, they don't really call his attention most of the time.
To the point where visual references that fixate and exaggerate the 'feminine' features risk putting him off altogether.
Want a canon example of one that'd be accepted?
Venti (Genshin Impact)
An example of one that WON'T be accepted?
Astolfo (Fate)

**Unless your character looks like Ardbert (FFXIV), Meteor/WoL (FFXIV; the hyur posterboy of the game), Kaito Momota (Danganronpa 3), Kay (Haven), Davion (Dota: Dragon's Blood), or maybe even Beowulf (Skullgirls), then they get a pass.
I suppose some (SOME) scruff is okay based on those examples alone, but don't be surprised if I still turn your character down.

***99.99% of anthro/non-human characters who fail to take heed of this part while attempting to add me for RP interactions will likely be denied.
Those who've failed to heed it but ended up being accepted anyway probably got lucky that their choice of character/faceclaim was similar enough to ones that are eligible.
Keep in mind the primary species he's attracted to (HUMANS).
Anyone that bears a resemblance to them in all the right places that count, while also fitting his preferences of the types of humans he finds attractive, will likely find Kiji physically attracted to them to a certain degree.
See: Doppel's Docu; Cloud Meadow's Male Cats and Male Holstaurs (Male Wolves have good-looking faces but something about 'em's off-putting); Honeyroux's Buchi; Lightsource's Duncan and Keith; Modeseven's Max, Seymore, Male Monkeys, Felix, and Male Wafflings; Eigaka's Nate and Idian; Tinysmallman's Mazus; Terevinh's Mersharks; Centaurs with twinkish or twunkish upper bodies, Nagas, and Cecaelia.
If you're ever unsure or curious about an anthro or nonhuman you'd like to interact with him, feel free to ask about them.

Who I'd like to meet:

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・❥ 𝑀𝓈. 𝐵𝑒𝒽𝒶𝓋𝒾𝑜𝓇

Heir of the Sanin


𝕲𝖗𝖆𝖋 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖊

Jin Kuroda

𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓼𝔂 𝓕𝓸𝔁




ᵀᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵗᵃʳˢ


𝙾𝚏 𝚅𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝚞in

Rosa and Jeanne




Լι𝜏𝜏ɬҽ Լҽα⨍

Ayla Yaxin


Mystic Pikachu

Hiatus mode

Le Gardien d'Émeraude




cɦɛѵɑʆiɛʀ ɗu ʆɑc

𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓸𝓷 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻

🌸 𝓟𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 🌸


lσrd oғ ιnnιѕтrad

Tortuga Bros


友 The Warrior Of Hope ㊝ ™


Alan Winters (T)


Free Dive

[ 대지의 처녀 ]



❤️𝐃ying 𝐃evotion💔's Friends Comments
Displaying 6 of 6 Comments (View All | Add Comment)
Izumi Miyamura

Apr 19th 2024 - 12:24 AM

Hello my friend, how are you?

Apr 11th 2024 - 1:53 AM

Sending good vibes your way! ^^ 😀
Crey The Wolf

Apr 5th 2024 - 6:21 AM

*Smiles sneaking up on them. Putting a nice warm hat atop of them so they can stay nice and warm*

Apr 5th 2024 - 1:30 AM

It's all right, no rush. ^^ I hope you feel better soon! :)

Mar 28th 2024 - 7:44 PM

Just wanna send you good vibes, I hope you're doing well ^^
Shadow The Shinigami

Mar 26th 2024 - 7:31 PM

Hello there thanks for accepting my add hope to hear form you.
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