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𝕯emonic 𝕮hronicles

01/07/2015 01:17 PM 

The Fallen Angel

Name:TalonAge:Lost in time and spaceorientation:StraightStatus: SingleTalon is the son of Hana and her first mate brother to Kosmos, Honey and Natsuki, He went by another name long forgotten, It is unknown what really happened to him and he is not one to tell but when he and his sister Natsuki came back to knock on Hana's door it made her both happy and scared for they had not parted in good faith, she was soon to leave the past behind and welcomed them with open arms.For Talon the way things are now are hard, his sisters Honey and Kosmos are not the same as when he last saw them and now he had an adoptive human sister named Hope and a Half Sister named Misaka, he still held his demon and angel powers but his wings were now pitch black and with holes the sign of a Fallen. He hopes to live in peace his days and once again be part of the family but things are so different that he has doubts it can all go back to how it was when he was a child.

𝕯emonic 𝕮hronicles

10/09/2013 08:37 PM 

The poison Witch

Name: Risa AzureAge:25Raice: HumanOrientation:StraighhtStatus: Mated to Dante Kyuubi TricksterChild: Bayonetta Risa is one of the Azure clan members, she along her sister Kira,She is not very liked in the clan mainly because she is the daughter of a dark witch and like her mother she used her powers to control others to do her bidding (It was all really to keep her sister safe)Risa did not get along with Hana since the moment she came to the village mainly because the stranger had what she always wanted, to be treated as part of the clan plus young Hope looking up to her. But fate is a funny thing and a meeting at her bar changed her life.She met Dante at a bar as he was just looking around she did not know who he was or whom he was related but one thing led to another (Mind blowing sex) and the next thing she knew was that he was claiming her as his and getting into a fight with her fathers over it. who just happened to be the brothers of Hana. Love was something she did not believe but Dante surely was love at first sight. This though brought on many changes and heart breaks. She was mated to a Demon, Pregnant and her sister had come to hate her.The pregnancy was not like a normal humans as one could imgine and she gave birth soon, but did not even managed to hold her baby girl when it was taken from her By Syn of the Chasers, then Dante along his family went to find her.Devastated she turned to seek her sister only to find her dead in the tub from suicide a note saying "All your fault". Risa not knowing what to do turned to Hana  who helped take care of the situation but among the rukkus Kira's body dissapeared and Risa was put on a possition between finding out where her sisters body was and adjusting to the fact her baby girl was a grown woman about to be a mother her self.. Fate is one cruel bitch.

𝕯emonic 𝕮hronicles

09/09/2021 08:23 PM 

The Bonded One

Name: Hikaru Minato Age:21 Raice; Bonded Human Orientation: Straight Status; Engaged to Corrine"Cora" Riod   Hikaru is a human who during the kyuubi fall was taken in by Sakura, His human family had sold him for drugs at a young age and he went trough many trauma until Sakura while in her craze raided the drug home he was at and killed (and ate) the people there. Originally she was going to kill him too but the young child who looked relieved kicked at Sakura's motherly instincs and instead she took him, shoved him under her grandson Chronos care and moved on.   Under Chronos care he started to train to be a Kyuubi dog while he trained he was introduced to a Young Mirabelle one of the Kyuubi Heirs he was tasked to Watch over her and Protect her and he did although not because he was told too but because he had befriended the young Vampiress and even fallen for her.Mirabelle was his first love and is his best friend but eventually as he grew  he started to mature and one day came to meet Corrine "Cora" Riod the daughter of Wolfy and another Kyuubi Heir.   The two became good friends  (even if they argued over video games music and cookies) some how that friendship blossomed into love and during a Music Concert he proposed to her and she said yes, but not long after he was sent on a mission to keep his best friend safe something Cora was not too happy and with a promise of getting married he went off to investigate the Chasers, which he then got captured tortured and saved by his best friend instead.   Hikaru still loves Mirabelle but more as a sister now than a love interest and although he would very much like to break Leon Neck for having fallen for her, he understands that she is a big girl who can make her own decitions. He is currently tracking a traitor to the clan

𝕯emonic 𝕮hronicles

10/04/2021 03:14 PM 

The Angel of Death

Name: Honey Black Age-Its complicated Raise- Archangel Status-Widowed (single) Orientation: Straight Child- Neomi   Honey is  the second daughter Of Hana and her first mate, she was born an angel, for some years she trained in heaven along side her older sister Kosmos, but she wanted more than what the angel masters were showing her and so she had asked her grandmother Sakura to help her tap into her demon side, Sakura hired an old friend of her to train the young angel and so Honey was training in heaven and earth.       One day while skipping her training she came face to face with The angel master of Wind Yue, he was different unlike other angels he did not judge her for being a halfling. little by little the two started to spend more time together, she saw a side to him that no one else did , when his brother Kaoru the angel master of fire was branded a fallen for having a relationship with her her sister Kosmos, they were put in the position of choosing either their love or heaven...They Chose love and thus was the beginning of the heavenly wars.   As the war began her sensei gave her a tough choice to stay as she was or to ascend, thus she left her Angel life behind with all the possibilities and  giving away her mortality became an angel of death.   The war raged for Centuries until peace was finally on their grasps but that was not the only win for her and the rest of the army they had assembled, What no one ever though possible happened and some how Honey was with child. This child was born at the end of the war but because of what honey and Yue were she was not a normal child at first theyt thought she was born a still born but they were wrong she was a Phantom, neither human neither a ghost but with both characteristics.  


09/29/2013 05:12 PM 

Loz LAWZ >:D

 I try not to be a douche bag but sometimes I fail.  What do you expect from me, damn! I don't care if you added me for a number.  I know I'm too pretty to pass up but I won't sleep with you.   I don't care if you send a comment or message.  I'll answer it.  I lose comments though and forget WTF I was sayin'.   I'm busy IRL.  The only long story lines I'll be in is with family.  All you crazy siblings, I can't be in tournaments or wars with you.  You should know this by now.  Everyone else, we can chat and screw around, it's all good. If you wanna be involved with the family, add   Akito.     I'm not your Loz, unless you're an Advent.  Everyone else, if you have a Loz in your history, it wasn't me.  We can talk about it though.  Maybe you'll get a whole fucked up family out of it.{Loz talks and acts as I imagine he would.  If grammar matters to you, feel free to give him shit about it.} 


09/29/2013 01:43 PM 

MALWARE -----> FreeCodeSource[dot]com

Malware alerts have been appearing on some user profiles and blogs. See the image below. We want to reassure everyone that does NOT have viruses or malware. Some of our members have used layouts from FreeCodeSource[dot]com. There are links in their layout code which point to FreeCodeSource[dot]com. Google Chrome alerts the user about Malware when someone tries to view one of these profiles or blogs. FreeCodeSource[dot]com was flagged by Google for having malware on their website. For our members' protection, we are NOW blocking all links to FreeCodeSource[dot]com in all profiles and blogs. This will affect how profiles and blogs display. They may look broken. + + If you are using a FreeCodeSource[dot]com layout, we recommend that you replace or rebuild your layout. + +

𝖁𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍�

09/24/2013 11:01 PM 

L . A . W . S .
Current mood:  focused

L . A . W . S . Some Rise By Sin;   And Some By Virtue Fall; {♘} ❝Make one wrong move and I'll end your existence, pest. Here are some laws you're gonna have to follow if you don't want a bullet between your eyes.❞ Don't pester me. Feel free to share your opinions, just don't bitch when I share my own. Don't cause any trouble.    OutOfKnighthood: Hello everyone, this is Nocty-mun, welcome to my profile! I do hope that you find your stay rather enjoyable and won't shy away from sending me comments or PMs. Thank you for taking your time to read the Laws, I know there's a few but they are all very important: ♞  I am in no way obliged to ship my Muse with yours, even if you request it. ♞  If I drop a thread, there's reasons. I'll let you know in PM. ♞  I multiship. But only if the muses have chemistry. ♞  I will not tolerate any mun-drama.  ♞  RESPECT is mandatory. No hate mail. Constructive criticism or be gone. On that note Zero Kiryuu (for any Muns who haven't read/seen Vampire Knight) isn't exactly the most polite Muse when it comes to interaction-he's downright mean. He is Tsundere which is a Japanese term for a character development process that depicts a person who is initially cold before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time. The word is derived from the terms tsun tsun and dere dere. (Source Wiki) Please don't take this as me (the Mun) being rude to you or your Muse purposefully. My thoughts and actions are not in any way affiliated with Zero's. Remember there is OOC and IC and I will ALWAYS input Zero's OOC tag; OUTOFKNIGHTHOOD when I'm not in character.  ♞  I have nothing against jumping into a thread, but I do like to flesh out the details of a Thread with a good plot beforehand as it creates depth. ♞   No random smut, God modding, power-playing, that's just mean. Or assassinating e/o unless that was planned beforehand. ♞   I expect well-written,  paragraphs. I don't care the length as long as the content is legible. Please refrain from text-stylized and poor writing/grammar, etc.  ♞  I support Zeki ship but only if story/plot isn't the same as how Hino wrote it. This also means I will deviate from canon.   -  These laws are subject to change at any time. -    That's all, now sign with a quote from your favorite movie.  ※That way I know you took the time to read & get the Laws.      Additional Information: Tracking: AniRP | tumblr Disclaimer: Zero Kiryu � Matsuri Hino Icons: Some icons, manga caps, graphics are mine unless otherwise noted, if you wish to use them PM me. If you don't, I'll be contacting you and I will not be happy. Roleplay: will roleplay with anyone; canon, non-canon, AU, Crossover, etc. Threads: Multi-para -Novella but anything goes. Replies: my replies may be a little slow as I have three other roleplay profiles to run so please keep that in mind before starting a thread with me. Also you can reach me the Discord: @Noctemys #snailsquad  Starters: due to a high volume of threads I currently have I won't be replying to greeting starters. If you wish to start a thread then do not hesitate to contact me. Various Tags:   Musing- Zero: {anything pertaining to Zero's perspective}

rules to abide by, Mun stuff

☠ C H A O T I C | A M B I T I O N ☠

09/24/2013 01:32 PM 


The Dark Lich

09/22/2013 04:24 PM 

The Dark Lich's tale
Current mood:  creative

Character: The Dark LichRace: LichAge: 3053DOB: 2964 B.C.Origins: The Underworld (The northern parts)Bio: Lich was the first born son of the original grim reaper himself, who married a beautiful half bred vampiric human. He was the first ever natural born Lich with the cause remaining a mystery to this day. Lich was a happy child for 4 years with his family until it was declared illegal to love in the underworld. The powers that be apprehended Lich as a young child, mercilessly beating his mother and father as he presumed them to be dead. Lich was eventually abandoned 8 long years with the children, aswell as the adults, despising him on sight. They mocked and abused him for his family's love for one another, even going so far as to give him daily beatings that would normally kill somebody. Lich would often at times lash out his frustrations on the creatures of the underworld by taking the fight to them, but often with impunity invoked upon him as the beatings verbally and physically, along with the heckling, getting worser with each passing outburst. A life such as this would drive somebody to commit suicide, but a Lich's curse was their immortality as they are the very entities of death itself. But at the age of 12, fate smiled upon him as a mysterious man walked into his cave one day. This very man would one day become renowned in the world of earthrealm as the WWE wrestler, The Undertaker. He came upon Lich to ask would he be willing to become his apprentice. Lich not feeling a sense of being wanted in so long eagerly accepted the offer with open arms. He spent the next 8 years of his life training and learning everything from his master that he knows to this very day. At the age of 20, His master became the new Lord of Darkness and ruled over the northern parts of the Underworld and Lich then exacted his life long vengeance on those who took him away from his family. His skills in assassination and assault deemed him worthy of becoming a reaper of the damned. He then became apart of the alliance of Heaven and the Underworld, protecting humankind from the wickedness of the supernatural and the forces of Satan. He was then assigned the task to roam the earthrealm. He first arrived in Europe, where the people fear and despised him for bearing the image of death. Even when he rescued a damsel in distress, they ran in terror at the very sight of him. Several armies have attempted to smite him, but they were met with genocide. So Lich would then travel deeper into the woods and forests, seeking sanctuary in caves that were left vacant for eons. There he continues to serve his master as the apprentice of darkness, a reaper of the damned, and keep the balance of the alliance of heaven and the underworld.

�Lost Soul�

09/17/2013 08:26 PM 

"Dear Agony
Current mood:  bummed

I have nothing left to give I have found the perfect end You were made to make it hurt Disappear into the dirt Carry me to heaven's arms Light the way and let me go Take the time to take my breath I will end where I began And I will find the enemy within Cause I can feel it crawl beneath my skin Dear Agony Just let go of me Suffer slowly Is this the way it's gotta be? Dear Agony Breaking Benjamin 'Dear Agony' Suddenly The lights go out Let forever Drag me down I will fight for one last breath I will fight until the end And I will find the enemy within Cause I can feel it crawl beneath my skin Dear Agony Just let go of me Suffer slowly Is this the way it's gotta be? Don't bury me Faceless enemy I'm so sorry Is this the way it's gotta be? Dear Agony Leave me alone God let me go I'm blue and cold Black sky will burn Love pull me down Hate lift me up Just turn around There's nothing left Somewhere far beyond this world I feel nothing anymore Dear Agony Just let go of me Suffer slowly Is this the way it's gotta be? Don't bury me Faceless enemy I'm so sorry Is this the way it's gotta be? Dear Agony I feel nothing anymore

�Lost Soul�

09/07/2013 05:47 PM 

My Chara taken and non taken
Current mood:  adored

Maymay(T&L)midnightMomo Sanzo(S&L)biShenji Sanzo(S&L)biKaiji Sanzo(S&L)gayAoi Hanamura(In love)Rumi Hanamura(S&L)biKai Hanamua(S&L)lesLexie Hanamura(S&L)bi

Cosmic Sage

09/04/2013 04:04 PM 

The Four Shadow Gods (Naruto Genre

The Four Shadow Gods:The Vermillion Dragon: Kaiketsu Mikato, one of the few living survivors of the great Mikato clan. The leader of the the Four Shadow Gods and the Four Immortal Guardians. Not much his known of his history or his true purpose but the leads the group of eight shinobi with absolute authority. Rumor is that the Mikato were actually children of the Azure Dragon from legend.The Azure Phoenix: Kasumi Hyuuga, Kaiketsu's first follower. Though her official rank was Anbu to keep her existence secret from the outside world, she was far beyond the level of any Jounin still in the village. However her hate for her grandfather Naruto Uzumaki and her desire to attain power to become Hokage, made her leave the village. Wandering around she met Kaiketsu and tried to kill him only to be beaten effortlessly. Afterwards she pledge her undying loyalty to him until she became strong enough to kill him. Though they have been known to exist, she is most likely the only blind Hyuuga the world has ever seen and somehow Kaiketsu knows of the Blind Phoenix spirit inside her.The Ebon Tiger: Kira Ketsurui, as with Kasumi his entire existence was a secret to only a select few within the Hidden Cloud Village. His family for the longest time were part of a private group of assassins under the Raikage. Unfortunately he grew tired of serving someone he felt weaker than him and so he left to find someone he could follow that would lead him to a new future. He heard rumors of Kaiketsu and sought him out immediately drawn by the god like strength he thought he had. Gifted with the mysterious Ketsurui Kekkei Genkai, none have seen it and lived to tell about it outside of their group.The White Turtle: Ibuki Satomi, her origins are unknown even to her. Some believe she has roots leading back to the Senju clan of the Hidden Leaf but she doesn't care. As much power as she has inside her she doesn't like killing. Her only reason for following Kaiketsu was his promise to reform the world as it should with people becoming one with the nature. A little detached from humanity itself she cares little for those who pose any threat to the earth. She believes Kaiketsu is the spirit of water in human form. Her Kekkei Genkai makes her a natural Sage.The Four Immortal Guardians:The Tuneless Dancer: Another shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village known as Kemuri Kurayami(unrelated to Hikaru). Blessed with a Kekkei Genkai shrouded in myth not much else is known about him. While on a mission, his squad of Anbu were destroyed leaving in the only survivor. Consumed by guilt and failure he left the Hidden Leaf in search of purpose. He found it after seeing the pain in Kasumi's eyes which reminded him of his own. Usually partnered with the Azure Phoenix because of their unique abilities.The Howling Theif: A shinobi who was once an experiment of Orochimaru. He his known for his ability to never be heard by his victims no matter how skilled they are. A master theif and assassin of the highest calibur, through a comfrontation between Kaiketsu and Orochimaru, he left him to follow what he believed was power in it's original form.The Demon Artist: A shinobi hailing from an unknown land. His clan's techniques were sought out by many and researched to supply shinobi with all they needed without carrying an ounce of weight. Sasuke Uchiha himself took a part of the formula in which their techniques are derived from. He followed the Howling Theif being his best friend and only comrade.The Formless Swordsmen: If any of the guards were closest in power and skill compared to the four gods was this woman. Another mystery origin shinobi, she has a very enteresting kekkei genkai. It combied the very nature of japans soul, a sword in both the physical and spiritual

�Lost Soul�

09/03/2013 03:40 PM 

rp rules part 2
Current mood:  adventurous

9.i ment i'm not of edit10.i get mad and sad once in a while so bug me11.have funsign and favs anime

�Lost Soul�

09/03/2013 03:31 PM 

rp rules part 1
Current mood:  adventurous fucking drama i fucking hate that��2.I'm muti chara if you don't like it then don't raping my chara i fucking hate that4.please don't rush me to reply megs because sometime i'm buzy or watching a show5.i have autsim so be nice6.i have so i go back and frouth7.i rp as kamen rider and super sentai and yes i'm a fan of those so shut up8.some my male chara are gay yes i like yaoi don't juged me9.don't ask me for edit because i'm that not good

�Lost Soul�

08/29/2013 03:02 PM 

Yumi Oume
Current mood:  accomplished

Name:Yumi OumeAge:18Sex:Femalesexual-pere:bistauts:singleRace:Human/demonhair color:blackeye color:blue/red(demon)likes:killing,gamesdislikes:demon hunterwepaon:bladepower:she can't diebio:coming soon

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