Guardian Coven.{MCRP}

Last Login:
March 11th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 37
Sign: Leo
Country: Puerto Rico

Signup Date:
June 18, 2013


06/25/2013 08:30 PM 

Vampire Artist

Dark Yamano Trickster oldest son to Anju and Shade Trickster oldest of the first triplet set as well.a Vampire who out grew the desire of blood only drinking it  during socializing much like some one would drink wine at a gathering.In The family he is known as the Loner Artist usually  distant towards others  his sisters are probably the only ones who can drive him up the wall specially Nagisa and Yaya (He can easily handle Yuri some how).

While he was working on a painting his Great Aunt Sakura had asked of him he met a Fallen angel named Shion, Shion changed his life in many ways, it was love at first sight as well as war at first sight the two fought just as much as they spend time together even after being mated but sadly their fate was not to last together. Dark was sure he had everything he could hope for, a Mate,a Home he bought with his own Money from his paintings and two Sons Cadeon and Rydstrom, but one night when he was heading back home from introducing the boys to the Demon Clan Leader he came across a sight he would never forget.

Dark feathers scattered around, a house in Ruins and his Beloved Shion limp body in their living room, he could not understand they were mated he should have felt she was in danger.Insanity should have taken over yet it did not he could not understand as the tears rolled down his face in wasnt until he felt the small hands of his Boys on top of his shoulders that he understood why. His Mate was gone yes, but he had their children and he had to be strong and sane for them just like they were trying to be strong for him.

Children: Cadeon and Rydstrom


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