Chama MCRP (DUH)

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04/17/2019 03:55 PM 

Old character bios....done in the style of a psych-eval.....


*a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes sits before a computer with a small smirk, pulling the keyboard to her and beginning to type*
Arkham Asylum Evaluation log:
Analysis documented by: Dr. Rosalin Chama of the pediatric psychology departmant
Subject: the children calling themselves collectively "GVK"
Comments: Though the entire group has never been in Arkham all at once at any point, I've had at least one session with each of the children in the "GVK", an apt acronym given to me by two of the group's members, short for "Gotham Villians' Kids", which is exactly what these children are. Whether any of these children are actually the biological offspring of Gotham's supervillians, I've yet to determine, but each of them has graviated towards and emulated at least one of them. I'll start my analysis of these individuals with the child who appears to be the oldest, as well as the leader. He is also the one who appeared first. I speak, of course, of young Prank.
Subject name: given as Harry Quinzel
Subject alias: Prank
Surrogate family: Dr. Harleen Quinzel and Jack Napier, A.K.A: Harley Quinn and The Joker
Physical appearance: Hair and eye color both a bright shade of green, skin tone is slightly pale
Age: unknown, approximately 9 at time of interview
Costume: Black jumpsuit similar to Harley's, with matching gloves, worn under a straightjacket that has been altered and dyed purple, suspect it to be one that Joker took during one of his escapes. Wears boots that match the straightjacket. Face is normally hidden behind a specialized filtration mask and tinted goggles. Needs goggles to see, suspect lenses have been altered to his perscription by another of the Gotham villians, also suspect a run-in with yet another villian is cause of wearing the filtration mask, specifically Dr. Johnathan Crane, A.K.A Scarecrow, after viewing security footage of their interaction during Prank's first stay here at Arkham.
Personality: compulsive lier, suspect he learned this behavior from Joker. Normally speaks with a British accent, though when feeling threatened, as with the encounter with Crane, he switches to an American one, as if to differeniate between two personalities. Suspect personality with American accent to be the actual "Prank", while "Harry" uses the British accent. Impossible to tell which is the true child, however. More analysis required for further documentation.
Subject name: given as Janet Isley-Nygma
Subject alias: Jigsaw, though suspect secondary alias of Amarylis
Surrogate family: Edward Nygma and Pamela Isley, A.K.A. The Riddler and Poison Ivy
Physical appearance: Red hair and green eyes, skin has nearly unnoticeable green tinge, left upper bicep has a marking that appears to be a question mark wrapped in ivy
Age: unknown, approixmately 8 at time of interview
Costume: Green sleeveless jumpsuit worn under a red skirt embroidered to look like a jigsaw puzzle, detached sleeves starting at middle of the bicep match the skirt. Suspect these to be made from the pieces not used in Prank's costume. hands and feet encased in purple material edged with light pink lace, this being part of the reason I at least suspect the secondary alias of Amarylis, also because the two never appear at the same time. Purple domino mask is worn to match Riddler's costume.
Personality: Obsessive compulsive, much like Mr. Nygma. She's emulated her surrogate father to the point of putting together a variant of his catchphrase. Where as Mr. Nygma will often say "Riddle me this.", young Janet will sometimes tell me to "Puzzle it out" during our sessions if I ask a question that she feels is too personal, such as if she indeed does have a secondary alias.
Subject name: given as Bell Isley-Nygma
Subject alias: Nightshade, suspect secondary alias of Sudoku
Surrogate family: Edward Nygma and Pamela Isley, A.K.A. The Riddler and Poison Ivy
Physical appearance: Orange hair and green eyes, skin holds a darker green tinge than her sister, mark on left upper bicep is a line of ivy wrapped around her arm with small question mark shaped holes in a few of the leaves
Age: unknown, approixamtely 8 at time of interview, supported by subject telling me that she and Janet are in fact twins
Costume: Yellow sleeveless top worn with purple tights under a purple skirt cut and shaped to look like the petals of a woody nightshade flower. gloves and accompanying boots are green in color, though edged with purple lace, supporting theory of secondary alias, again, Nightshade and Sudoku have never both appeared at the same time.
Personality: Protective, especially of plant-life and her family. Once or twice, she's let Janet's catchphrase slip out during one of our sessions when she felt uncomfortable. Whereas Janet idolizes their father, Bell is closer to their mother, to the point where I suspect that the two girls live separately with their respective parents, as I highly doubt Mr. Nygma's compulsive behavior would do well in one of Ms. Isley's hideouts, or vise-versa.
Collective analysis thus far: Whereas "Prank" lives with both parents full-time, "Jigsaw" and "Nightshade" split their time between the two, thus another reason for my theory of both girls having a secondary alias corresponding to the other's primary one. I've noted as well that "Amarylis" only appears when Mr. Nygma is in Arkham's care, and "Sudoku", likewise, is only present when we have Ms. Isley here, suggesting that when their primary parent is unable to care for them, the girls take up residence with their sister and corresponding secondary parent. Additionally, while neither of the twins shares "Prank's" paranoia in making the filtration mask part of their costume, both of them, as well as every other member of the group, carry one.
Secondary costumes: "Amarylis" wears a dress styled to appear as though she is wearing a flower from the Belladonna Amarylis plant, making it so that both twins have a plant that can be called a belladonna. "Sudoku", likewise, wears an outfit that matches that of "Jigsaw", only the embroidry on the skirt and sleeves appears as an unfinished sudoku puzzle. I suspect the numbers on "Sudoku's" outfit may be a cipher of some kind.
Subject name: given as Kaitlin Kyle
Subject alias: Kitten
Surrogate family: Selena Kyle, A.K.A. Catwoman
Appearance: Blonde hair and light brown eyes
Age: unknown, approixamtely 8 at time of interview
Costume: A more childish version of her surrogate mother's, simply put.
Personality: Slight kleptomania, corresponding with Ms. Kyle's obsession with cats and artwork depicting them. subject also exhibits surrogate mother's anti-hero tendencies, having at least once helped to apprehend another member of the group, though said member seems to be the least liked among them.
Subject name: given as Jacob Crane
Subject alias: Jack-o'-lantern
Surrogate family: Dr. Johnathan Crane, A.K.A. Scarecrow
Appearance: Light brown hair and golden brown eyes
Age: unknown, approixamtely 8 at time of interview
Costume: Like "Kitten", "Jack-o'-lantern" wears a similar costume to his surrogate parent, the major difference being that, whereas "Scarecrow" uses a burlap sack as a mask, Jacob paints his face to look like his alias.
Personality: Compulsive need to create fear, much like his father. as a result, "Jack-o'-lantern" seems to be the least liked within the group, as his father is with their parents, as well as among the children. "Prank" in particular has the worst reaction when in the presence of both father and son, but putting him in proximity to one or the other produces vastly different reactions. where "Prank" is violent towards Dr. Crane, he is at least tolerant of Jacob. I suspect this to be the only reason Jacob is included within the group, as the others tend to avoid him when they are in proximity, especially when alone.
Subject name: given as Darien and Serenity Phreese
Subject alias: Frost and Chill
Surrogate family: Dr. Victor Phreese, A.K.A. Mr. Freeze
Appearance: Both have frost blue eyes and platinum blond hair, as well as a slight petina of frost on their skin
Age: unknown, approixamtely 8 at time of interview
Costume: These two have taken their father's love of old Christmas specials and created variations of the classic Jack Frost outfit. both "Frost" and "Chill" wear light blue and white outfits. in the case of "Frost", the outfit consists of a light blue tunic-like shirt with a zigzaged bottom edge, which is edged in white, and a pair of frost white leggings with light blue boots and gloves, both also edged in white. with "Chill", the tunic is extended into a dress, with lines starting at the white edging of the skirt and meeting at the waist. "Frost's" leggings are replaced by tights, and his boots with dancing shoes with white ribbon laces.
Personality: Near unhealthy codependance upon each other. while this in not uncommon with twins, "Frost" and "Chill" almost literally cannot function apart. in fact, at one point, "Frost" was arrested, and rather than get away to break her brother out later, "Chill" immediately surrendered in order to stay with him. during the subsequent interrogation by young Robin, neither twin would speak until they were brought into the same room.



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