House of Dawn

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June 13th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 36
Sign: Scorpio
Country: United States

Signup Date:
July 15, 2014


10/19/2021 03:10 PM 

Category: Stories

Name:Aiden Wilkins Mythrunner Kyubbi
Race: incubus
Age: looks 27
Parents Mother Rin/Cerise (alive) biological father (deceased/unknown), adoptive father Chronos(Rins mate) , adoptive father(human) Chris. Biological half sisters Miku and Aqua, adoptive sister Kaderin
Children: Luna 
Hair: jet black
Eyes: charcoal grey hints of purple around the irises 
Build: slim muscular 
Occupation: Owner of a strip club called Apparition Lounge 

weapons: guns, Katana, incubus powers,
personality: cunning, cold persona to those who he does not see as family

smoker: no
drinker: Yes
drugs: No 

favorit food: indian
favorite drink: whiskey
least favorite food: new age crap
least favorite drink; milk


Aiden was brought into this world purely by chance. His mother was kidnapped at a young age, taken from her mate and family brought to a facility for unknown reasons. His conception brought about his birth. Thanks to Cerise, along with the man he calls father, he was able to leave the hell hole that had caused his mother much pain and misery.

Aiden being a full blooded Incubus, grew fast. He held a lot of anger as he grew not understanding why his mother had abandon him as an infant, not understanding at the time. Though his human father tried to explain, to Aiden it was all an excuse. He believed he wasn't wanted by his real parents, who had thrown him out into the streets.

Once he hit puberty he joined a gang, a mafia really, The Hoga Clan. There he learned self defense, the use of weapons, among other unsavory skills that he put to great use. While working for The Hogas, he met a kitsune demon by the name of Sephna. Thanks to her, he was able to leave the mafia, unfazed and unharmed, he was unsure how far her own ties ran with the family to let him go. 

Even though they did not mate, they ended up having a daughter, as well as opening their own club. Like his mother, Sephna was taken from him just a year after their daughters birth. Sephna was murddered by persons unknown to him, he assumed it was the same peple who had taken his mother. even though there are plenty of evils out in the world.

Aiden has found a great disdain for scientists, all but his adoptive father. If not for that man and the other personality living in his mother, he probably wouldn't be here now. He holds a grudge and states that he will do whatever in his power to make sure they all suffer.

While a smooth talker, Aiden keeps a cold persona towards others, unless family, he isn't one to show an ounce of kindness. He protects the females in his club, giving them as much protection as he can.

It was due to his workers, that his biologoical mother and her mate found him. He had grown since the child he had beca,e and found he no longer resented her. Instead, he loved her, was thankful for able to give him an out.  Because of her, he found love, a business, and a child of his own


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