๐•๐•–๐•๐•๐• ๐•จ ๐”ฝ๐•๐•’๐•ค๐•™ on AniRoleplay.com - www.aniroleplay.com/527660 ๐•๐•–๐•๐•๐• ๐•จ ๐”ฝ๐•๐•’๐•ค๐•™
Not a romance account.
Story driven.
Naruto, AU.

37 years old

Last Login:
May 12 2024

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    ๐•๐•–๐•๐•๐• ๐•จ ๐”ฝ๐•๐•’๐•ค๐•™'s Interests

Basic Information

โœ–Name: Jane Doe
โœ–Nicknames: Janey, Joe, Buttercup
โœ–Birthplace: A barn
โœ–Current Location: Yolo, Taiwan
โœ–Date of Birth: April 26th, 1900
โœ–Age: 112
โœ–Gender: Shemale
โœ–Orientation: Sexual
โœ–Species: Llama
โœ–Marital Status: Snooping
โœ–??? ---
โœ–??? ---
โœ–??? ---
โœ–??? ---

Personality Traits

Despite his physical resemblance to Naruto, Minato was a very humble and collected man. Very perceptive and shrewd, he was noted as not to do something without a reason. He was well-aware of the terror his reputation inspired in rival villages and would take advantage of it at times, but even then he would remain respectful to opponents. Minato also wouldn't pry into other people's personal affairs unless he felt it was necessary, and was not the type to hold grudges, only feeling sorry for Obito despite his role in his own and Kushina's deaths. If anything, Minato blames himself for his death for several reasons; he couldn't save Obito from the fate that corrupted him, Konoha from the difficulties that arose after he was gone, and even his own son Naruto from the painful and difficult life he suffered as a jinchลซriki orphan.

Naruto is not without any of his father's personality traits: both have indomitable spirits and fierce ambitions that drive them through all their choices in life. Both are of unwavering loyalty to Konoha and their loved ones โ€“ friends and family โ€“ and that devotion inspires all those around them. Like Naruto, Minato had the tendency to create questionable techniques, although in Minato's case it was complicated names he came up with rather than the actual technique. This was seen when he named the "Scorch Release: Halo Hurricane Jet Black Arrow Style Zero", though afterwards he admitted it didn't sound very good.

Minato addressed others with the appropriate honourifics, indicating his politeness.


with kolour kreations

Status: Single
Whom: -Name Here
First 'ILY': --|--|--
Together: --|--|--
Engaged: --|--|--
Married: --|--|--
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sit amet vulputate turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Nam scelerisque ipsum nec risus malesuada in pellentesque mauris dapibus. Cras congue convallis elementum. Aliquam sagittis dignissim enim, at interdum urna pharetra sed. Nam iaculis, lorem sed adipiscing tincidunt, nulla sapien iaculis nunc, at consectetur nisl leo non arcu. Morbi scelerisque pretium semper. Nullam eu blandit quam. Nam ultrices, elit et commodo facilisis, eros dolor interdum neque, id blandit dolor magna tempus ipsum. Vestibulum metus massa, pharetra a cursus in, fermentum at neque. Sed nibh urna, molestie eu rhoncus vitae, adipiscing malesuada mauris. Vivamus id dui vel libero sollicitudin tempus. Suspendisse et est ipsum. Aenean dui erat, sagittis vel sollicitudin eget, ultricies ut quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras imperdiet sollicitudin turpis et commodo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sit amet vulputate turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Nam scelerisque ipsum nec risus malesuada in pellentesque mauris dapibus. Cras congue convallis elementum. Aliquam sagittis dignissim enim, at interdum urna pharetra sed. Nam iaculis, lorem sed adipiscing tincidunt, nulla sapien iaculis nunc, at consectetur nisl leo non arcu. Morbi scelerisque pretium semper.

     ๐•๐•–๐•๐•๐• ๐•จ ๐”ฝ๐•๐•’๐•ค๐•™'s Details
Characters: Minato Namikaze
Verses: Naruto, Shippuden, Gaiden, Boruto. AU.
Length: Multi Para
Genre: Anime, Drama, Manga, Thriller/Suspense,
Member Since:April 15, 2021

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Minato was put in charge of a genin team of his own, consisting of Rin, Obito Uchiha, and Kakashi Hatake. During the Third Shinobi World War, Minato led his team on a mission into Kusagakure to destroy the Kannabi Bridge. Because Kakashi had recently become a jonin, Minato gave leadership of the mission to Kakashi while he went to help Konoha's forces on the front lines. After meeting up with the surviving and out-numbered Konoha ninja, Minato used his Flying Thunder God Technique to destroy the opposing Iwagakure ninja. He then returned to his team, just in time to save Kakashi and Rin from another group of Iwa forces; he was too late to save Obito. When Kakashi and Rin recovered from the ordeal, Minato helped them complete the mission. When the war ended, Minato, not yet thirty years of age, was chosen to become the Fourth Hokage. At some point during his reign he read Jiraiya's first book. He liked the main character's determination, believing he was just like Jiraiya. Since Kushina was pregnant with their son, Minato informed Jiraiya that they planned to name their son "Naruto" in the hopes that he would be just like the main character and, in turn, Jiraiya. Jiraiya warned them that this would make him Naruto's godfather, but they insisted that this was a good thing. Because Kushina was the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, special arrangements had to be made for Naruto's birth. Since the seal keeping the Nine-Tails within her would weaken during childbirth, Naruto would secretly be delivered in a remote location outside Konoha. ANBU would guard the area and Minato would maintain the seal while Kushina went into labour. Soon after Naruto was born they were found by Madara Uchiha. Madara killed all of the ANBU and took Naruto hostage, threatening to do the same to him. Minato was able to take Naruto back, but this gave Madara the chance to escape with Kushina. Minato found a safe place to put Naruto and then teleported to Kushina. He arrived in time to stop the Nine-Tails, having been removed from her body, from killing her, and teleported back to Naruto. Minato reunited mother and son and then went to help defend Konoha from the Nine-Tails. Minato arrived in the early stages of the Nine-Tails' attack. After protecting the village from its Tailed Beast Ball, Minato tried to reach the Third Hokage to inform him of what had happened. He was stopped by Madara, who tried to send him away. Minato escaped but was followed by Madara. When the two began fighting, Minato struggled to hit Madara, Madara being intangible whenever he was not currently attacking. By carefully timing his Flying Thunder God Technique, Minato was able to strike him during one of these rare moments and apply a seal for the Flying Thunder God Technique to him, allowing him to teleport to Madara whenever he wanted. He placed a Contract Seal on Madara to remove the Nine-Tails from his control, forcing Madara to flee. When Minato returned to the village he found it in ruin. He summoned Gamabunta to distract the Nine-Tails long enough to teleport it away from the village to Naruto and Kushina's location. Kushina restrained it and, dying from the trauma of its removal, volunteered to have it sealed back into her body so that it would die with her. Distraught, Minato suggested instead using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal on the Nine-Tails to weaken it and then seal the rest into Naruto. Kushina objected since this would mean Minato's death and give Naruto a horrible, lonely life. Minato insisted it was for the best since allowing the Nine-Tails to resurrect itself, without a Jinchuriki to contain it, would inevitably cause harm to Konoha and the Fire Country. Also, Minato was convinced that Naruto, the "Child of the Prophecy" Jiraiya had once told him about, would need the Nine-Tails' power to someday defeat Madara. After Minato used the Dead Demon Consuming Seal on it, the Nine-Tails realized their intentions and tried to kill Naruto, but Minato and Kushina used their bodies to shield him. While Kushina gave a few finals words to Naruto, Minato summoned Gerotora, gave him the key to the seal he would use on Naruto, and sent him to Jiraiya. After Kushina told Naruto how much his parents loved him, Minato sealed the rest of her chakra into Naruto so that she would be able to see him again when he was older, ending her life. He then sealed the Nine-Tails into Naruto. Since the Third Hokage had come to help, Minato used his last moments to request that Konoha think of Naruto as a hero, and not the container of the monster that caused so much death and destruction. Before he died he sealed his own chakra into Naruto so that he could someday see Naruto again too, specifically if ever the seal was about to break so that he could restore it. The Third Hokage did his best to look out for Naruto but very few were willing to regard Naruto as anything but the Nine-Tails' jinchuriki. The Third Hokage forbade anyone from speaking of the Nine-Tails, hoping that those too young to remember the Nine-Tails' attack would not hate Naruto as the rest of the village had. He gave Naruto his mother's surname so that his relation to Minato would be kept a secret from Minato's enemies. He otherwise did his best to give Naruto a comfortable life despite Naruto having no parents and being made into an outcast by the rest of the village. Naruto would never be told his parents' identities, and neither would most of Konoha. With Minato's death, the Third was forced to resume his position as Hokage, a role he filled until his death, never being able to find a replacement of Minato's calibre. Minato himself became regarded as the village's hero and, indeed, one of the greatest ninja Konoha had ever produced, so much so that villagers would regret his death whenever tragedy struck the village. Because Minato was never able to tell anyone what happened during the Nine-Tails' attack, villagers were forced to make their own explanations. Jiraiya recognized that Minato would not have sealed the Nine-Tails into his own son unless he had a good reason and that Minato intended Naruto to gain control of the Nine-Tails, but could never satisfactorily explain why. Although Naruto had no idea about his relation with Minato most of his life, he appeared to greatly admire the Fourth Hokage, considering him a hero who gave his life for the village, showing anger when Tsunade spoke ill of him and becoming overjoyed whenever Jiraiya or Kakashi mentioned his resemblance with Minato. Before Naruto left Konoha to begin his training with Jiraiya, he looked at the Fourth Hokage's carved head and asked him to look after him. After learning the truth about his relation to Minato and despite the shock that his own father made him a jinchuriki, Naruto was proud to be the Fourth Hokage's son. Years after his death, Killer Bee was surprised when he learned Minato created a technique similar to the Tailed Beast Ball, the Rasengan.

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