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04/22/2024 10:40 PM 

Queen connections that queen can have for her main or her characters.

this blog is only for the connections that i can be with in my characters this is not a plot its just connections only if  you wish to have relationship type with me this is about the connections that i can have this blog is only for the connections that i can be with in my characters this is not a plot its just connections only if you wish to have relationship type with me•daddy (only as a dominant types just not daddy as a family )•friends with benefits•master•dominates•secret lover•partner•lover•husband•divorced partner•best friend•drunk friend•enemies•secret friend•soulmate•sirebond•desire bond•mutual jealousy•roommate•co-worker•Mafia ( i will not be a mafia so that is a male role)•student and teacher (but i will only being a student but the student will be from 20-year-old so other words its Tafe or college)•have mutual friends but don't get along.•professional relations, e.g. a boss, professor, or other work relations.•drug dealer but you will be the drug dealer•ex bf/ ex husband/ ex boss/ ex mafia/ ex bodyguard / ex knight / ex teacher / ex fiancée/ ex dominate / ex king / ex prince • love triangles relationship• affairs

Heraldic Traveller

04/22/2024 08:45 PM 

Lore Respect

made bigger for mobile and those with poor eyesight: Friendly reminder that if you want others to respect your oc's lore you must respect the lore of others be they oc or not.Demanding changes to a character's behavior or actions because they may make your oc look bad or incompetent even when it's well within that character to do that is you showing that you feel your oc's lore should be put above any other character's lore.  You know the saying, respect is earned not given that being said, you still should treat the lore of other characters with the same respect you want yours to be treated.Throwing a tantrum because someone's character did something well within the character to do and demanding a retcon shows you don't care for the lore, but want things your way.  Thus voiding any "feats" you'd like to tie to your oc as a result of your roleplay.  It also calls into question any and all "feats" prior to such making them default voided.  Yes, there are people who feel the need to do that as a way to fellate their own oc and brag "in character" to others about them which is kind of sad.  Never forget that the basic rp rules of no modding and all that still apply to story rps,  something people who demand their lore be respected while not respecting the lore of others in kind tend to constantly short: respect the lore of others like how you want others to respect yours. the roleplay fight rules still apply even to story roleplays.   Unrelated to the meat of the blog, but needs to be said apparently.  I've seen these go down:  Don't hold grudges against people over roleplay actions, it's really stupid and pathetic showing that you have trouble keeping rl and rp seperate. If someone doesn't want to continue writing with you, leave them be and don't stalk their account like some of y'all do. (Tied to 2) It says something about you if you replace a writer with someone else rping the same character and having the replacement portray the character exactly like the one who left because of YOUR ooc actions. If you're not part of the private roleplay between two others, but get mad at one or both parties because of actions within the roleplay... take a break from rp, you're getting far too invested/attached should go without saying, but some people on here... Don't talk sh*t behind a block or where you're positive the person you're sh*t talking cannot see. should be this simple, but some of y'all Ignore the hate profile made on you, but especially don't have people making accounts to counter or defend you.  The reason why should be obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills. With that, I conclude with this: Don't eat the yellow snow :D

Ari Yoshihara

04/22/2024 03:55 PM 

Introduction of myself and my OCs.

Hello there, you can call me Lovaa. I'm SFW, semi-para/Para. (Hoping to reach Novella one day.) I'm interested in most any RP, however, if I feel the vibe shifting to dirty you will be blocked without hesitation. I do have a discord and I'm willing to add to my server. There's no one in it yet...but don't let that discourage you. Now, as for my OCs I have many and I do plan in time to add posts with full descriptions. My main OC is named Ari Yoshihara. She's 26 yrs old. Together with her best friend and sometimes protecter, Maruga Dragoon, they basically go around on designated and specially assigned assignments...and then they kinda murder targets. Ari's weapon of choice is whip and dagger combo, which means she has acrobatic abilities. No shipping her though, she does have a love interest named Marcus Dragoon. Maruga's brother, both dragon/Human hybrids. Ari is also a Neko. Ari's father is named Shiki, step-mother is Chizuka and her little sister is named Aรฑa. I know that was a mess and I do apologize. I promise my ability to carry on a decent RP is not this sloppy. Please, I do request some time to reply. I do mean days, I'm currently at the beginning stages of renovations to my home. So please, bare with me.

Ari Yoshihara

04/22/2024 03:55 PM 

Introduction of myself and my OCs.

Hello there, you can call me Lovaa. I'm SFW, semi-para/Para. (Hoping to reach Novella one day.) I'm interested in most any RP, however, if I feel the vibe shifting to dirty you will be blocked without hesitation. I do have a discord and I'm willing to add to my server. There's no one in it yet...but don't let that discourage you. Now, as for my OCs I have many and I do plan in time to add posts with full descriptions. My main OC is named Ari Yoshihara. She's 26 yrs old. Together with her best friend and sometimes protecter, Maruga Dragoon, they basically go around on designated and specially assigned assignments...and then they kinda murder targets. Ari's weapon of choice is whip and dagger combo, which means she has acrobatic abilities. No shipping her though, she does have a love interest named Marcus Dragoon. Maruga's brother, both dragon/Human hybrids. Ari is also a Neko. Ari's father is named Shiki, step-mother is Chizuka and her little sister is named Aรฑa. I know that was a mess and I do apologize. I promise my ability to carry on a decent RP is not this sloppy. Please, I do request some time to reply. I do mean days, I'm currently at the beginning stages of renovations to my home. So please, bare with me.

John Constantine

04/22/2024 01:51 PM 


Magic: John is a highly skilled sorcerer, having been practicing magic since he was a teen. He quickly mastered all the magic that Europe had to offer and went to America to train under Nick Necro, a notable magician. He has claimed to be a magician of the fourth degree, however he has cast spells that exceed this level of magic.[39] John is skilled in various forms of magic, most notably Black Magic, a dangerous and malevolent form of sorcery that is known to come at a high cost to its practitioner. Astral Projection: John is able to create astral projections of himself. Chronokinesis: John knows a blood magic spell that allows him to temporarily stop time. Cosmic Awareness Dimensional Travel: John is capable of creating portals to other dimensions and realities. He can also use spells to banish demons back to Hell.John can open portals to other realities in the multiverse, as well as into magical dimensions in the Sphere of the Gods. Through a complex spell, John can even travel into the Collective Unconscious and bring others with him. Intangibility: John can temporarily displace items into a pocket dimension to avoid attacks. By doing this when attacked by a sword, John displaced the sword, allowing it to pass right through him unharmed. Deflection: John can activate a spell called a "turnabout charm", which deflects any injury he suffers onto the person who inflicted it. Divination: John can use various divination spells, such as using his cigarette to track magic energy. Disintegration: John was able to use magic to incinerate a cultist. Elemental Control: John can use magic to manipulate the elements for various purposes, such as: Chlorokinesis: John can use magic to command plants to attack his enemies, such as causing sharp tree branches to extend and puncture a group of enemies. Electrokinesis: John is able to use magic to manipulate electricity for various effects. One spell allows him to electrocute a person with his cigarette. Electro-Blast: John is capable of using magic to project bolts of lightning from his hands. Photokinesis: John was able to create a burst of blinding light, which was powerful enough to harm a group of vampires. Pyrokinesis: John can use magic to manipulate fire for a variety of effects. He is able to engulf his hands in flames, as well as turn the small flame from his lighter into a flamethrower. He is also able to shape natural flames to his will to create intricate pyrokinetic constructs. Thermal-Blast: John can project a powerful stream of flames from his eyes. Eldritch Blast: John can project powerful blasts of magic energy from his hands as energy bolts, beams, and even highly destructive explosive blasts. Energy Construct Creation: John can use magic to form solid energy constructs, such as shields or bridges. Enhanced Senses: John is able to sense the presence of magic.He can also see supernatural beings that others cannot, such as ghosts. Exorcism: John is able to forcibly remove possessing entities such as demonic spirits from the body they are possessing. Illusion Casting: John is able to create illusions to fool people. He was able to trick Darkseid into thinking he was dead, and cast a universe wide illusion, convincing Darkseid that it was a dead dimension he had already consumed. Infection: John can use a spell that allows him to poison the ice in a person's drink, killing them. Invisibility: John is capable of turning himself invisible and cloaking items. Necromancy: John is capable of using magic to summon and communicate with the dead. Power Absorption: John knew a spell that allowed him to temporarily steal the powers of Shazam. Sigil Magic: John can use magic sigils for various purposes, such as creating protection circles that shield him from harm once entered. He knows a sigil that is supposedly powerful enough to kill a god. Force Field Summoning: John is capable of summoning demons and other entities through various spells. Some of John's spells require him to invoke spirits and demons to fuel the spell. John even knows a spell that allows him to summon Swamp Thing at will. Synchronicity Wave Traveling: John has an instinctual supernatural ability to be in the right place at exactly the right time. This has led John to uncanny luck, like winning incredible amounts of money from gambling, avoiding harm, and more times than not - to meet the right kind of ally to help prevent or stop an apocalyptic event from happening. Telekinesis: John can use various "binding spells" to telekinetically freeze and restrain people. One spell allowed him to use a cigarette to bind a vampire to a wall, by flicking it on to him. He was also capable of telekinetically causing a gun to jam. Teleportation: John is able to teleport himself, others and items, to various locations, and even across dimensions. Telepathy: John mentioned that he has rewritten his landlord's brain to think that he'd had already paid rent. Mind Control Transformation: By utilizing a spell called the Blackmare Curse, Constantine can temporarily transform into a demon conjured from his own soul. Demon Blood (Formerly): Before it was ripped from his body by the Upside-Down Man, John's body contained demon blood, which is what allowed him to channel magic and cast spells without facing the cost of it, as well as withstand a level of magic that a human body cannot normally handle.   Deception: John Constantine is an excellent con artist and negotiator. These skills are often more useful than his magical ones. Constantine faces most of his challenges relying primarily on his cunning skills. Escapology Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic) Hypnosis Indomitable Will: John possesses the willpower to resist being possessed by Deadman. He was also not corrupted by Pandora's box. Intimidation Investigation: John is a highly skilled detective, specializing in occult investigations. Multilingualism: John speaks some amount of French. Though he claims the only thing that stuck from his French classes was "il, elle, nous sommes", this was probably a lie. He also knows a little of British Sign Language, which he learned when he met his son, Noah. Occultism: John possesses extensive knowledge of magic and the supernatural. He's stated to have read every Necronomicon and Book of Chaos written by the most ancient practitioners of dark magic. Prestidigitation Singing: Before Constantine became an experienced magician, he was the lead singer in the punk-grunge band Mucous Membrane. Surveillance: John is is a keen observer, capable of surveying and spying on people without them noticing. Throwing Weaponry: John doesn't usually wield weapons, however he has displayed skill with knives, as well as an axe, which he used to kill vampires.

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04/21/2024 01:04 PM 



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04/21/2024 12:56 PM 


Something interesting will be written here soon.


04/21/2024 12:54 PM 

Forget me not (Sample)

Stay tuned lolI'll be working on this one

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04/21/2024 12:51 PM 

wait for me --

Stars for the heavens and sun for the earth. All things great and small yearn for nourishment.Can you tell, that I've been needing you? Do the small echos of what's to come, brush against your skin in the wind? You've been here all along, right here by my side. โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹I'm so happy to know you. We got to take this journey together, and theres nothing I would change about it. I know that it feels heavy, and that there's a dark cloud that looms over your heart. It foreshadows and projects what's to come.I don't want you to be sad though! I know better than anyone, that all things must return to the life stream one day, and ... I'm content with that. If I'm to leave this place, and return to the planet, then my nourishment will help her survive. You see my life has a purpose, and like all living things so too does yours. What's important now is that we cherish what we have left together. That every smile be genuine, that every touch be felt, and that every word spoken be true. From the bottom of my heart, and as sure as the yellow lilies will continue to bloom... โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹We will be reunited, so ... Wait for me.        .                           

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04/20/2024 11:23 PM 

The planet knows --

โ„๏ธ Why do you still want this? Haven't you suffered enough? A raspy tone filled with concern and slight anger reaches her ears, causing her gaze to lower. Mako filled eyes cast downward to the damp ground, and she holds her hands out, allowing the nightfall's rain to pelt against opened palms."The sky is crying ... The planet knows." She speaks, her words coming out as gentle and soft as the essence of her soul. A moment of silence is had, as she remains unsure of how to answer the question presented to her. It's not until she feels the sensation of a metal clawed grip upon her shoulder, that she looks back up. Crimson colored pools of unbridled chaos bare into her, but my god there's still something so incredibly kind mixed within that chaos. It's a reminder, and solidification of what she knows best."What does the planet know, Lucrecia?" He demands the answer and it's clear by the way his grip tightens and his brows knit together that he will wait as long as he must for it. A flicker of confliction, accompanied by a suffocating wave of guilt that delays her words. Her eyes search his as if asking if it's really okay to answer him with honesty. "Lucrecia ..." He says her name again, and his grip loosens. He begins to retract his hand, and she quickly grabs his wrist, stopping him."Vincent... wait." She pleads with him as if he's going to disappear, albeit he has no such intentions. "I'm not leaving." He states in a short matter of fact way, and she smiles. "I want this because it's what is meant for us. We still have sins to attone for, and the planet knows ... We aren't done yet."".... .... ...."He doesn't speak, but his expression doesn't change either. At least not at first. A loud clap of thunder shakes the earth, causing her to slightly tremble in fear, and It's her reaction that causes him to act. Suddenly, and abruptly she feels the embrace of his arm around her back pushing her into him. She doesn't fight it as she stumbles forward and her grip on his wrist drops. Hands placing against his chest, she lays her head against where his heart should be. A small ticking noise reminds her that he's still Vincent in spite of all he harbors within.Both arms encase her in a firm embrace that is protective and sheltering. The feeling of his head laying upon hers, causes her heart to race and her fingers to curl. He doesn't need to say anything else. His hold on her, over her, is all she needs. After all, Vincent never really was a many of too many words.โ„๏ธ


04/20/2024 02:50 PM 

Additional Character Info and NPC list.

Additional Character Info: Throughout the years Baek has been a man of many names and many faces Baek just being his most current alias. Employed by The Limbus Company Baek is a mercenary for hire as you already know called in for Freelance work when the situation arises. He has a room at the Central Headquarters and at the Oceanic Rig location. In his past he was known to run and operate a quiet bar in Tokyo while operating as an information broker. His powers come from a Symbiote that had bonded to him while on mission in New York City, this sole thing is the reason he is able to change his face through the years and carry out so many missions. The symbiote provides additional powers such as a healing factor, and shadow manipulation. Throughout the years he has amassed a few different armaments and skills that he displays mostly at the home office. He seems to be a big fan of tattoos, drinking, and of course fierce combat.  Custom Canon Story Characters: "Yo everyone!" The blonde male with a bit of a goatee scraggle filling in waved at the crowd. Glasses on his calm looking and friendly face as he gaze a rather playful salute. "Barry Wyndham, 1st Class Pilot for the Limbus company at your service! If you need a ride in your guy!" He pointed at his chest with a smile. His attire had befitting his rather relaxed nature, a floral pattern red Hawaiian shirt on top of cargo jeans and boots, his long wavy hair tied back in a ponytail. MHA Heroes: One boy no older than 16 stood proudly his suit sticking tightly to his body sporting colors of red and white which made his green skin and hair accented. "Shinsuke Higurashi, Hero Name: Screenshot reporting for duty!" A toothy grin passed his face as he flashed a peace sign in front of his seniors before vanishing in a puff of smoke before appearing on a desk a few feet away. "My Quirk is call Poof! I can teleport anywhere I can see with my eyes!" He spoke as he held them open with his fingers scanning the room. Shorly after the other boy exited the room his demeanor a bit more serious more shy in nature if we're being honest. "Keisuke Higurashi." He bowed before he held out a hand as acid began to drip from his finger tips. "Hero Name: Copycat. My quirk allows me to copy any quirk within a certain range. But at only half the effectiveness." He explained as he held his hand out letting the acid drip on it hitting it like scalding water. His costume was more plain in a red and yellow pattern. 


04/19/2024 09:19 PM 

Journals of Heathmoore

MISFORTUNE COMES UNINVITEDAs his drakkars glided on the gentle tides of Lake Eitrivatnen, Jarl Jafnhar watched the blood sky over the horizon. Weeks of war had churned fires and death, projecting a thick crimson across the firmament. This did not concern the Jarl. He sailed forth with the utmost sense of confidence and pride. In one month, he had led the Vikings to victory in the Battle of Ilkarya’s Barrier, destroyed the Wardens of Lion Wastes, and became the ‘Bone Crusher’, the first Highlander Jarl in Viking history.Crushing the Knights of Eitrivatnen would be child’s play. Isolated from all, and lacking the supplies to feed everyone, the fortified port was no longer a haven for the Knight legions that had sought refuge there. It was now a death hole that needed a little spark to implode.Jafnhar knew he had the means to become such a spark, but a loud crash caught him off-guard. Underwater barricades set by Badefol, Knight Commander of Eitrivatnen, had destroyed some of his ships. The Knights would need more than a few wooden pikes to stop the Bone Crusher though. From the harshest winds of Njord to the cruelest tides of the divine Aegir, the Jarl’s trireme had survived much worse.Jafnhar reached the shoreline and pierced the Knight defenses rapidly. He and his warriors moved to Eitrivatnen’s barracks and clashed with Commander Badefol. After an easy fight against the wounded Knight, Jafnhar tossed Badefol on the ground and brandished his mighty blade Caladbolg. That was when a sinister voice rose from the shadows and whispered, “Mala ultro adsunt.”The Jarl shivered. Vortiger, here? Impossible! Almost a decade had passed since their last duel, but Jafnhar could still feel the twinge of the Black Prior’s blade gashing his thigh. Invigorated by his thirst for vengeance, the Highlander stepped away from Badefol and faced Vortiger.Their blades clanged loudly. Their fight lasted what felt like hours until the Black Prior staggered for the first time. This was the opening the Bone Crusher needed to fell his opponent. He slammed his blade to break Vortiger's guard, but the man stood tall behind his massive shield. How could that be? No one had ever resisted the mighty blow of Caladbolg! Out of rage, the Jarl rushed at the Black Prior, but an immense pain suddenly struck his chest. Vortiger's longsword had shattered his clavicle. A thick darkness seeped in and shrouded the Highlander's eyes...As all fell silent, the Black Prior lifted his kite shield and sent the Bone Crusher to the grand Halls of Valhalla.A DARKNESS GROWSDespite Jafnhar's defeat, the Knights did not welcome Vortiger as their new savior. Many legions in Ashfeld were still bearing the scars of the Black Prior’s deeds under Apollyon’s rule, and they wanted to see Vortiger face the Lawbringers’ judgment.The man was jailed in a dark cell with a young thief named Aguri. A quick glance at Vortiger made the thief pray for the Gods’ aid. She was no warrior but knew all about the Black Priors, the unruly Knights who would draw out the ‘true wolves’ for the Blackstones. Her fear grew as she witnessed a strange hawk fly to their cell window, and the Black Prior spoke to it in Latin.Then Vortiger girded his bracers, and she noticed something very startling in his eyes. The absolute absence of fear.Suddenly the walls of their cell started to crumble. As Aguri cowered in a corner, she heard the weakened warriors of Eitrivatnen screaming in terror. Their leader was away on the battlefield, and Daimon, the Samurai Daimyo of Westhold, was attacking the harbor with his vast army. Vortiger gripped his silver blade and shield, then stepped into the red haze as explosions rained from above.The young thief stared after him. She realized Vortiger feared nothing because he was fear itself.A myriad of hawks obscured the crimson skies for a brief moment. Then more Black Priors revealed themselves in the crowd, and slaughtered all the Samurai. After more than a decade of silence, the Black Priors of Vortiger won the Battle of Eitrivatnen for the Knights, and blessed the walls of their new home with the blood of their countless victims.A PATH OF AGONYKnight Commander Badefol had left Eitrivatnen to the hands of his best lieutenants while he hunted Jafnhar’s followers in Lion Wastes. He had not expected the Samurai to attack his harbor so quickly. He should have known better – after all, was not Daimon ‘the Scavenger’ the one who would always chase easy victories in weakened territories?He knew in his heart that without the Black Priors, Eitrivatnen would have been lost to the Samurai. No matter how hard Badefol tried to tame Vortiger and his Knights, the Gods had decided otherwise. But he still planned to call the Lawbringers in due time to bring these wolves to justice.Badefol battled harder in the vast fields of Westhold, hoping for a quick victory against the Samurai. But Daimon had one last ace up his sleeve...a secret alliance with the Vikings. As the Commander watched the Viking warriors charge, he knew the end was near. Even with the Black Priors on their side, they could not last against one large army, let alone two.For the last time, Badefol underestimated the Black Priors. As a flock of hawks appeared in the dusty horizon, the Knight Commander caught sight of rolling ballistae and trebuchets bearing the Black Prior banners. At first, Badefol was filled with hope, but as the machines drew closer, a fresh horror overwhelmed him.Nailed onto these rolling structures were hundreds of corpses; Vikings, Samurai...dead bodies from the battlefields, but not just the enemy's dead. Even Knights were trussed up. Badefol's comrades were stretched out and displayed as grotesque, bloody dolls on the war machines.Both Samurai and Vikings froze in horror. No one in history had desecrated their own dead with such sickening derision. As the true masters of psychological warfare, Vortiger and the Black Priors used the enemy’s shock to their advantage. They charged through the red fog with fierce precision, and triumphed against all.Yet Badefol was not done with Vortiger, the man who had desecrated their dead. He locked eyes with the demon and drew his sword. Forget the Lawbringers, this beast would be Badefol's. But it was not to be. Vortiger disarmed the Commander, stabbed him through the heart, and whispered in his ear the last words Badefol would ever hear.EPILOGUEReinforcements from Beaufort Stronghold came too late. The Black Priors had already reconquered all territories around Eitrivatnen. A month's long siege and the Knights had never once lost Eitrivatnen.Rhoswen the Warden was the first to arrive in the harbor where she witnessed the horror of what it had become. Not only Badefol, but hundreds of Knights, Samurai, and Vikings were impaled, dismembered, or hanged like vulgar scarecrows.“They shall fear us, and we Knights shall rule,” the Black Prior whispered as he appeared at Rhoswen’s back. The Warden replied nothing. She knew the darkness had already grown too deep in these Knights’ hearts…


04/19/2024 05:25 PM 

Side-Character Profile: Shel

Alphyspen name "Shel" The magibio limb of the Sci Lab Trio and its medical expert vying for the position of Royal Physician, Alphys – much to her chagrin – is the one that has to patch the two idiots up whenever they get scrappy or perform an experiment in such a way as to eschew every single rule of laboratory safety. Fortunately, she is very, very good at it. She is, however, not above using her boss for her more experimental procedures and cures. As of yet she has not subjected him to her DT research, but it’s always tempting… There was a time when she confused the hell out of her boss by signing some of her research papers (those relating to DT and the use of genetically altered fungi as limb replacements or whole bodies for ghost monsters) as Shel after reading some human book she found at the dump (“Frank and Stine” or something of the sort). The confusion has since been cleared up and she continues to do this as a means to differentiate between her research and collabs or things assigned for her to do a write-up on. She has a side-gig creating toys that cannot be elaborated upon in detail on this website. They're made out of genetically altered fungi, come in many styles, and interface with a monster's own senses via magic. (She can also provide new limbs for those missing them... Or for those whom just want more hands! Or feet. Or wings.) Funds go to funding her research… And wardrobe! Her LV is unknown and she likes to keep it that way.

ooc, characterprofile


04/19/2024 05:21 PM 

Side-Character Profile: Fuse

Comic "Fuse" Sans Serif The hot-headed machinist of the Sci Lab Trio. Clocking in at exactly four feet even when he isn’t wearing his boots (they add a little less than an inch), this guy pretty much lives up to his pun of a pet name–even though he either has yet to realize it, or has already since vented his frustrations about it. He has a terrible handle upon his temperament. Resorting to violence isn’t unheard of. He’s the scourge of unruly computational devices everywhere. Fortunately he knows how to fix most of the things his anger issues drive him to break. For those he can’t fix, there’s always Alphys. His LV is 8, though he doesn’t like admitting to it. Achieving that level of violence wasn’t on purpose. Some people just have a habit of not knowing when to shut up. On Friday evenings he has a side-gig at BP’s Resort. His comedy routines are rife with gallows humor and generally dark jokes. With that said, however, he is a Sans at heart – he will not pass up on a terrible pun. His other side-gig involves tuning up and otherwise improving upon his and other monster’s rides. What, you think there aren’t alternative means of transportation? The Underground cave systems are spacious enough for motorized bikes and those fancy doohickeys with the claws that scale the cave walls like spiders.POST-BUNNYAfter the inevitable occurs, Chara jumps ship and offers Fuse the same deal they offered Bunny. He, of course, accepts, and proceeds to Reset to the point they last saved -- except Bunny no longer exists so things are a little different. Rather than coming-to in the lab with his fist through one of the monitor screens he comes-to at one of the snowy region's outposts.It's about a year before Frisk falls. In the meantime, Fuse adjusts to sharing his existence with a playful human ghost (who has a lot of horrible stories about all the timelines where Bunny f***ed up) whilst also adjusting to all the changes that he's unfamiliar with. His brother proves to be a positive influence on his temperament; unlike Bunny, who encouraged and enabled all of his negative traits, Papyrus, alias pending, encouraged and enabled the more positive ones.When Frisk does fall, they're immediately hostile. However, they have to contend with a monster who isn't going to put up with their bullsh*t as soon as they leave the Ruins, who can Reset and learn from past timelines.The problem, of course, is that Chara's Save Point is about a year before Frisk falls. Every time Fuse Resets they have to wait another year-or-so before Frisk falls again. Fortunately they can also Remember whenever Frisk Resets. It's still a big jumbled mess, compounded by the fact that each Reset brings a little piece of Bunny back extremely wrongly so even when Fuse sets them back a year, after some time, it offers little reprieve: his ex eventually pieces himself back together enough to "return" as a creepy abomination of his former self.Somehow, some way still left unfigured out, the Barrier is still eventually destroyed; Frisk, Chara, and Bunny all die (again) or get erased (again) in the process.SURFACE ERADue to absolutely no legitimate businesses feeling up to hiring a guy who is actually qualified for several things but lacks "proper certification," he ends up working at a chopshop and rubbing elbows with the criminal underbelly of the city. He quickly becomes very good at carjacking.His brother doesn't agree with his life choices, of course. On more than one occasion Paps ends up having to bail him out of jail. Fuse always makes sure to pay him back with interest, of course.Occasionally Fuse runs a stand selling rather obscene but also kind'a cute food creations at the behest of his brother who keeps trying to push him towards legal means of making money. Unfortunately he does not have a food handling license and humans are way too easily scandalized.He keeps in touch with Alphys--in this last timeline they were work colleagues. She often drags him out to classy and cute cafes when her fish woman's too busy to go with her.

ooc, characterprofile

Alba Meiraโ„ข The Devil Of Daybreak

04/18/2024 07:55 PM 

Introducing 5X Style!
Current mood:  accomplished

Introduction5X Style is a new style of fighting coming to the roleplay scene with the intent of revolutionizing the way that fights are handled in roleplay. With this new style the goal in mind is to eliminate the long drawn out fights of the past and introduce a style that is both fast and efficent and fun to experience as well. As it involves both the competitors and the community to deliver the best possible experience.How does 5X Style Work?5X Style is a style of roleplay fighting that grounds itself in fighting game realisim and yet it simplifies the concept down to a science. To put this into Literal Terms each fighter will be scored based on a life bar that is equvilant to a fighting game life bar.  Health will be graded on the intervals from lowest to highest. 0 ( No Health [ Victory/Defeat Phase ). 25 % ,50 %, 75%, 100% ( Full Health )  Fighters take damage in the amounts of 25% per each successful hit. For example say Fighter A hits Fighter B once successfully? Fighter B  goes from 100% health to 75% health successfully and must place his current health values at the bottom of his post. Vice Versa from this point if Fighter B hits fighter A twice. The Fighter A goes from 100% points down to 50% points ( In which Fighter A must post at the bottom of his post to update the health values ) where as Fighter B would be at 75% points.How are attack values Judged?To prevent any outside rigging posts are evaulated and judged by an outside party to determine who's attacks actually connected and how feasable they are in any given situation.  In my head currently I had the judging phase to established once every two pages per any given roleplay fight. [ This value can be adjusted from every two pages to every page depending on who's running the show at the current given time. ] Either way outside community input is nessecary to prevent either side from gaining a potentially unfair advantage on this situation. As the fight goes on judging will continue in real time until a victor is decided.How are dodges and Counter Attacks handled? In the case of a counter say person A at 100% Health decided to throw a punch at person B also at 100% health with the intent of taking person B to 75% health but Person B dodges person A's punch and follows through with a counter of his own.  This would result in Person A only taking 25% damage while Person B does not take any damage because person B dodged said attack.How are repeated attacks handled in 5X Style?In the spirit of fair game attack damage intervals cannot exceed 50% ( Two Attacks as in an counter attack / attack follow up. ( minus super moves or desperation moves ) In which would be graded as 50% and 75% damage intervals respectfully. ) This is to ensure that a fight remains fair and no encounter in 5X Style is essentially a total blow out To put this onto paper say fighter A hits fighter B twice with a counter and a follow up attack and one more for good measure. In this case Fighter A would only deal 50% damage rather than 75% much like in actual fighting games attacks beyond a certain threshold arent rewarded with extra damage. This is to reflect that so while on paper it says that fighter B was hit three times they would only take the damage for two.How are Supers and Desperation Moves handled in 5X Style? Supers are essentially your way out for someone who feels vastly out classed with those they are fighting against Supers are graded on a 50% Damage ratio and Desperation moves are graded in a 75% damage ratio. Neither of them can flat out eliminate the opponent unless the opponent health falls within the registered values for such a strategy. In this case say fighter A connects with a single hit taking the opponent's health from 100% to 75% then they decide to use their Despertation Move as their follow up attack. Then yes that could theoretically end the match. However to prevent such a easy mode outcome from happening Supers and Desperation attacks are limited to page (2) and Page (3) responses only as it takes time to build meter for such an attack.What happens when both fighters choses to use their Supers and Desperation moves at the same time? Priority would be given based on who has the higher level super in reserve and if both supers are in the same tier then it will be cancelled out. And finally what happens in the case of a double exchange attack?  ( Meaning both fighters take damage beyond the point of no return. )In the case of a normal double exchange both fighters will take their respective damage amounts and if it goes beyond the point of no return then quite simply put that is "Draw Game"  How does skill preperation work in 5X? Say if Fighter A indicated that he tensed his muscles up in preperation for an added attack then Fighter A must state that in is post and as a result if his follow up attack connects the damage would go up from 25% to 50% for that single attack only this does not apply to counters and the damage would still be 50 damage% regardless even if he uses said attack in a combo.How are intros handled in 5X style.1. Fighter "A" entrers2. Fighter "B" enters.~ No Preperation is allowed in the intro posts as the goal here is for everyone starts with the exact same level of "prep" and all they need to do in turn is focus on is how to utilize it the level of preperation that they are given.   ~3. Fight officially starts Preperation in 5X is based on using the same level of prep that all fighters are given equally and are required to use it effectively.What qualifies for an accepted post in 5X Style?Any fighting post given in 5X Style should detail the following things.1. What your character is doing versus your opponents character ( Only at the present given time ) do not assume what their future actions will be as your response should only be able to react to what your currently experiencing at the present given moment. Example: If fighter A readies his fist for a high attack.  Fighter B shouldent be able to read fighter A's mind and in turn unload a 100 hit combo.  Focus on what is given at the present time.  ( Example: If a high attack is present from your opponent then the opponent should focus on the High Attack first whether the outcome should be to take the hit , dodge it or counter it thats on you. ) Not what you feel should be self evident beyond the fact. ( In short an attack that is not replied to in kind will be met with a request to re-write your reply or if said party refuses to re-write their reply a penalty will be given.)  In Essence:  ( A good post should be self evident respect your opponents actions and in turn your opponent will respect yours. )2.All Posts should be between 1-3 Paragraphs Minimum and 4 Paragraphs Maximum.  This is mostly to limit on the amount of reading that everyone would have to do in regards to any given situation. This limitation is imposed to respect everyones time within this endeavor afterall everyone should be ready to have fun and be home in time for whatever they want to have planned next.Closing StatementIn turn I'd like to say thank you for everyone who had taken out time to check out my proposal for a new way to handle roleplay fighting 5X!

New Roleplay Fighting Style 5X

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