πš‚πšŽπš›πšŽπš—πšŽ πšπš˜πšŸπšŽπš›

Last Login:
June 2nd, 2024

Gender: Male
Age: 29
Sign: Cancer
Signup Date:
October 11, 2023


05/30/2024 12:49 PM 

| Quotes & Ascension Materials |

Quotes (unfinished)

Added to Party

"Allow me to ease you of your troubles."

"I've got'cha."

"Well, best hop to it."

Elemental Skill

"At ease..."

"Sit back and relax.

"Embrace the enlightenment."

Elemental Burst

"Spiral towards absolute tranquility."

"Run free, my friend!"

Hello: "Heeey. You're that...mysterious Traveler that's been all the talk. Here and there, there's gotta be whispers about ya and your deeds on the wind. The name's Sebek. I'm quite the traveler myself-- mostly fitted the trading department, of course. I have many wares any and all can gaze upon, so don't be shy to just browse away. Just make sure to have your mora at the ready if somethin' catches your eye. Oh, and whether ya need a hand in a fight or one to help lift those stress filled weights off your shoulders, I'm the guy who's got ya."

Chat- Rest: "Take all the breather you need, my friend."

Chat- Drinking: "I dunno about you, but I could go for a bottle of something bitter. What say you?"

Chat- Interests: "I've got a knack for history, so I'm quite the admirer of ancient landmarks. Some are quite the perfect spots for meditation."

When It Rains: "I've always enjoy the rain. Just the sound alone is enough to make me wanna close my eyes and relax."

When Thunder Strikes: "Are you scared, my friend? Don't worry. Breathe and take in the storm to refocus your mind."

Good Morning: "Good morning. How about some tea to better wake that weary head of yours?"

Good Afternoon: "Mmmh...ahh, the best time to take a nap."

Vision: "Oh, this old thing? It's convenient; it was given to me y'know, by someone who's words guided me to the path I'm on right now."

About Sebek- Merchandise: "Lookin' for something good? Something rare? Something to show the folks back home? From ruins and regions alike, my wares never disappoint. Take a look around, ya might find somethin' that interests ya... oh, and my policies are: you break it, you buy it, and if you steal, I'm afraid you don't wanna know... Remember these rules and everything will be just peachy. Trust me... You'd do best to listen."

About Sebek- Studies: "As fantastic as it really is to go back to my roots as a traveling merchant, sometimes I wonder if my work for the Akademiya are even worth the finish now that the Darshans are without sages. Then I think to myself: this was the change of pace I desired for so long. My parents and my brothers even spoke proud of me after I abandon them in the night. So, I choose to stick with this goal of mine. Besides, all my research would go to waste. I can't have that resting on my conscious, right?"

Something to Share- Sumeru Akademiya: "Though I appear to be a merchant-- and before ya say anything, yes it is my main profession, I'm a Driyosh student from Sumeru Akademiya. Driyosh means a traveling researcher; a title that fits like a glove, don't ya think?"

Interesting Things: "Did ya know that 500 years ago, there were people who used runes of their own language to protect possessions and secrets? If one properly learned the ancient language, certain passageways to new discoveries and potential treasures could finally be revealed. It never ceases to amaze me."

About us- Relaxation: "When the chance calls, you should make sure to sit and simmer down before rushing to your next fight. Stress clouds the mind, affects your judgement, and creates anger. Don't worry, I'm there to soothe your inner tension. Just follow my lead."

About Baizhu: "I take my job seriously, as ya know, so when I happen to fall ill, I try to keep at my work. One day, just that happened; I couldn't even move without bowling over in pain. It became too much in so little time, I passed out. When I awoke, I was in my home with a bowl of mixed herbs and a note from Dr. Baizhu by my bedside. It said: 'Mix with warm water and drink on a regular basis. Apply a cool compress for the fever.' Turned out to be a very bad case of stomach poisoning. If it wasn't for him, who knows how much worse I coulda gotten? Anyways, whenever you pass through Liyue with poor health, keep Baizhu in mind."

About Cyno: "You wish to know more about Cyno? Well, he's been a friend of mine for quite some time now. As General Mahamatra, one of his duty is to sniff out and punish those who break the law of the Akademiya. If he suspects someone of suspicious behavior, he'll track'em down like a bloodhound and give just deserts. Hahaha, but don't worry. Though his position makes him to look quite fearsome, I assure he means well beyond that. Underneath the hard exterior only the General Mahamatra would wear, is someone who's actually quite the opposite. He can be one of the chillest guys you've ever met if you meet him in the right place-- mainly outside his duties."

About Ningguang: "The fact that she's loaded past the brim, but more interested in the cheaper items in my collection of treasures, definitely makes her an interesting client."

About Xiao: "I know what you're gonna ask, and...to tell ya the truth, I don't think there's not a single alleviation method that could help. I've heard the stories; it's clear Xiao's under high amounts of stress due to his negative karma, and trust me, I'd love to help, but...not sure a human could do much for a suffering adepti. I'm sorry..."

About Keqing: "Poor girl... She'll work herself to the grave! Trust me, I've tried getting her to ease up plenty of times, even offerin' her vibing sessions to really ease her unreal tension, but...she denies me every single time I ask. The Qixing should consider themselves lucky to have a dedicated worker, but man, one of these days, you'll find her dead at her desk from all the stress she puts on herself."

About Lisa: "Miss Lisa Minci... We met in my homeland; she was a student at the academia, just like me. Top of the class, y'know. I'm not jealous, if that's what you're thinkin'...but I'm gettin' a headache just talkin' about her... Excuse me..."

About Dori: "Ya ask if I know Dori? Of course! A fellow merchant and worthy competition. Her love for Mora knows no bounds, and yes, she's brimming with it. However, her prices are so outrageous, it makes my merchandise look generous in comparison. The keen eye many merchants possess is blinded by the sight of glittering gold, causing to forget the true value of particular items."

Sebek's Hobbies: "As ya know already, I love a good trek, but settling down to read or attend to my current wares are always enjoyable. Meditation has become an important hobby of mine though. It may seem boring to some, but once you sit yourself down, clear your mind, breathe...breathe...and focus on your inner self, it can feel quite nice. Think floating on a cloud; now that sounds blissful."

Favorite Food: "I've hopped from place to place throughout my life, so I've tried many different dishes during my travels. However, during my stay in Liyue, I've grown super fond of Lotus Flower Crisps. I've never been one for sweets, but this... ohhh, the right amount of sweetness with the perfect crunch."

Least Favorite Food: "I'm not exactly picky, but can't say I like meat very much. Tough meats, I mean. Chipped a tooth once while chewing; wasn't a pleasant experience."


Ascension Materials

Ascension Cost (0 → 1)
-20,000 Mora
-1 Prithiva Topaz Sliver
-3 Noctilucous Jade
-3 Divining Scroll

Ascension Cost (1 → 2)
-40,000 Mora
-2 Juvenile Jade
-3 Prithiva Topaz Fragments
-10 Noctilucous Jade
-15 Divining Scroll

Ascension Cost (2 → 3)
-60,000 Mora
-4 Juvenile Jade
-6 Prithiva Topaz Fragments
-20 Noctilucous Jade
-12 Sealed Scroll

Ascension Cost (3 → 4)
-80,000 Mora
-8 Juvenile Jade
-3 Prithiva Topaz Chunk
-30 Noctilucous Jade
-18 Sealed Scroll

Ascension Cost (4 → 5)
-100,000 Mora
-12 Juvenile Jade
-6 Prithiva Topaz Chunk
-45 Noctilucous Jade
-12 Forbidden Curse Scroll

Ascension Cost (5 → 6)
-120,000 Mora
-20 Juvenile Jade
-6 Prithiva Topaz Gemstone
-60 Noctilucous Jade
-24 Forbidden Curse Scroll

05/30/2024 12:20 PM 

| π˜™π˜Άπ˜­π˜¦π˜΄ |

  1. I'm not new to roleplay, nor is this my first time writing in the Genshin verse.
  2. I do mostly multi-para+, can do para and short novella, but I will never do one liners unless we happen to have some IC banter going on in status comments. You don't have to match my lengths, but I do ask that you write at least a paragraph at minimum.
  3. I'll write any genre besides super extreme heavy gore, (I have some exceptions to excessive gore, like plots that happen to take in the worlds of Drifters or Mortal Kombat, for example), but I can still write gore. Blood and violence are definitely okay, and since I'm twenty nine and Sebek's in his mid to late 20s, I can write mature content. Romance is not my main priority, even though I'm a sucker for shipping. This doesn't mean I'm not open to ship, but be mindful that Sebek doesn't do good with romance. It stresses him out because he doesn't understand what romantic love feels like. For a relationship or smut to happen, there needs to be chemistry between our two characters. Also, I will absolutely not write any romantic or sexual stuff with minors!
  4. AUs and crossovers are encouraged and loved! I'm also MCRP friendly so don't be afraid to add if you're an MCRPer.
  5. Real life is important; It's everyone's number one priority. If you don't or haven't responded in a certain amount of time, I won't delete you, just to let you know. My patience is unlimited, so you better go take all the time you need to take care of yourself first! To add, I'll also be slow on some days-- unless it happens to turn into procrastination, and ask for your patience in return, but if you can't and decide to delete me, I'll understand. 
  6. I roleplay in messages but if we happen to start more than one roleplay, we can roleplay in comments or blogs; I don't mind. I can also write in Discord, if that's better than here.
  7. I suck at thinking of plot ideas, so bare with me! (Also, it doesn't relate to this much but please forgive me for having such bland greeting comments. One day, I'll learn how to make a nice fancy one.)
  8. God modding, autoplaying, and all that related to those two words, don’t do it.
  9. Drama shall never be tolerated UNLESS it’s roleplay wise, meaning between our two characters.
  10. My character has a few connections with some canon characters, but if you don't want that, it doesn't have to be a thing in our roleplay. They can be strangers and meet for the first time; I don't mind that at all.

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