Ari Yoshihara

Last Login:
April 22nd, 2024

Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 31
Sign: Aries
Country: United States

Signup Date:
April 02, 2024


04/22/2024 03:55 PM 

Introduction of myself and my OCs.

Hello there, you can call me Lovaa. I'm SFW, semi-para/Para. (Hoping to reach Novella one day.) I'm interested in most any RP, however, if I feel the vibe shifting to dirty you will be blocked without hesitation. I do have a discord and I'm willing to add to my server. There's no one in it yet...but don't let that discourage you. Now, as for my OCs I have many and I do plan in time to add posts with full descriptions. My main OC is named Ari Yoshihara. She's 26 yrs old. Together with her best friend and sometimes protecter, Maruga Dragoon, they basically go around on designated and specially assigned assignments...and then they kinda murder targets. Ari's weapon of choice is whip and dagger combo, which means she has acrobatic abilities. No shipping her though, she does have a love interest named Marcus Dragoon. Maruga's brother, both dragon/Human hybrids. Ari is also a Neko. Ari's father is named Shiki, step-mother is Chizuka and her little sister is named Aña. I know that was a mess and I do apologize. I promise my ability to carry on a decent RP is not this sloppy. Please, I do request some time to reply. I do mean days, I'm currently at the beginning stages of renovations to my home. So please, bare with me.

04/22/2024 03:55 PM 

Introduction of myself and my OCs.

Hello there, you can call me Lovaa. I'm SFW, semi-para/Para. (Hoping to reach Novella one day.) I'm interested in most any RP, however, if I feel the vibe shifting to dirty you will be blocked without hesitation. I do have a discord and I'm willing to add to my server. There's no one in it yet...but don't let that discourage you. Now, as for my OCs I have many and I do plan in time to add posts with full descriptions. My main OC is named Ari Yoshihara. She's 26 yrs old. Together with her best friend and sometimes protecter, Maruga Dragoon, they basically go around on designated and specially assigned assignments...and then they kinda murder targets. Ari's weapon of choice is whip and dagger combo, which means she has acrobatic abilities. No shipping her though, she does have a love interest named Marcus Dragoon. Maruga's brother, both dragon/Human hybrids. Ari is also a Neko. Ari's father is named Shiki, step-mother is Chizuka and her little sister is named Aña. I know that was a mess and I do apologize. I promise my ability to carry on a decent RP is not this sloppy. Please, I do request some time to reply. I do mean days, I'm currently at the beginning stages of renovations to my home. So please, bare with me.

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